newsletter 4th August 2019


5, Cresswell Park, SE3 9RD

Tel. 020 8852 5420



Mass times: Saturday: 6.30 pm (first Mass of Sunday)Sunday: 9.30 am, 11.00 am, 7.30 pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 10.00 am Tuesday and Thursday: 7.30 am Eucharistic Service: Tuesday 10.00 am Confessions: Saturday 12 to 1.00 pm

Newsletter Sunday 4th August 2019.

Today is the Eighteenth Sunday in the Church’s year.

Tuesday is the feast of the Transfiguration.

Thursday is the feast of St. Dominic.

Saturday is the feast of St Lawrence who appears in one of the stained glass windows in the Church.

There is a wedding in the Church at 2.30 on Saturday.

The external redecoration of the house has now been completed. The stone steps will be washed down in the next few days. The next major job is the renovation of the lavatories in the big hall. This is due to start at the end of this month.

Please return the application forms for the First Holy Communion classes as soon as possible. I need to order the books and arrange the timetable for the classes.

Thanks to all who have helped with various tasks in the garden in recent weeks. Gradually we are cleaning up several areas and arranging some new planting.

Several of the older altar servers have now “retired” and we need some new ones – perhaps those who made their First Communion in recent years. I would be pleased to welcome you.

Some John Donne this week:

If thou beest born to strange sights,

Things invisible to see,

Ride ten thousand days and nights

Till Age snow white hairs on thee;

When thou return’st will tell me

All strange wonders that befell thee.

A prayer for children:

Lord Jesus, be near to all young children that their growing spirits may take no hurt at our hands and grant to their parents such sure knowledge of thy love that they may guide their children in courage and faith.




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