Newsletter 28th July 2024

Newsletter 28th July 2024

Sunday Masses: Saturday 6.30pm first Mass of Sunday

– Sunday 9.30 and 11am and 5pm.The

Monday to Friday: Mass at 8am.

     Saturday Mass at 10am

and 6.30pm

Confessions: Saturday 12 to 1

Today is the Seventeenth Sunday of the Church’s year.

Monday is the feast of Saints Mary, Martha and Lazarus, the special friends of the Lord.

Wednesday is the feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuit order.

The organists and the choir are taking their summer break for the next few weeks. Thanks for all their efforts.

The organ was repaired last week. One of the slides that controls the stops had broken and needed to be reconstructed.

Also, during the past week, a number of maintenance works have been taking place. One of the old windows in the house has rotted and a new frame is required.

And so, I begin my last month as Parish Priest. My time here has been immensely happy, and I have been very fortunate to have lived in this wonderful parish. The completion of the purchase of my flat is due to take place this week and I will begin to move books and other things.

The recipe book says that Vichyssoise soup is a flavour made in heaven. There are number of variations – I have been using Jersey potatoes and baby leeks,

cooked very gently in a mixture of milk and water and served with a sprinkle of chives from the herb pot.

We are pleased to welcome children to come to play in the garden. It will be necessary to drain the pool about the middle of August so that the garden will be ready for the celebration.

Further electric buses are appearing from time to time on route 108. Extra seats have to be fitted for normal use: they started life on the Red Arrow services. Also, the software has to be changed to show the route details.

Birthdays this week for both the boy and is sister. I am sure that there will be some splendid parties. The boy is now in his twelve and his sister is ten. Days of Lego and Harry Potter have come to an end: they both now want clothes as presents.

A prayer for today:

Lord, grant us a spirit of understanding, truth, and peace. Help us to strive with all our hearts to know what is pleasing to you and to love you with all our hearts. Amen.

And something from Marvell:

Yet it creates, transcending these,

Far other worlds, and other seas;

Annihilating all that’s made

To a green thought in a green shade.

Several foxes about this year but very few squirrels – the magpies are regular visitors and from time to time some rough crows appear to drive everything else away. The fig tree continues to flourish but the plum tree looks sad. There are plenty of apples this year if you would like to take some.

Best wishes to you all,

Monsignor Nicholas Rothon

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Newsletter 21st July 2024

Newsletter 21st July 2024

Sunday Masses: Saturday 6.30pm first Mass of Sunday

– Sunday 9.30 and 11am and 5pm.The

Monday to Friday: Mass at 8am.

     Saturday Mass at 10am

and 6.30pm

Confessions: Saturday 12 to 1

Today is the Sixteenth Sunday in the Church’s year.

Monday is the feast of St. Mary Magdalen. Thursday is the feast of the apostle, St. James, the patron of Spain. Friday is the feast of St. Joachim and St. Anne, the parents of the Blessed Virgin  Mary. They appear in one of the stained glass windows in the Church behind the St. Joseph altar.

I have already mentioned to you that a curate will be appointed to the parish in September,  Father Fraser Bellafield.  He was ordained to the priesthood at St. George’s Cathedral yesterday so this will be his first appointment.

Thank you for your generous support of the Foodbank project last week. 

Works on the parish buildings start on Monday: nothing major but a programme of maintenance projects to ensure that everything is in good order. We will be redecorating the interior of the Angelus Room  so that it will look very smart.  Also the gutters around the hall need cleaning.  The works will take about two weeks.

A day in London on Wednesday as I am gradually handing over the financial administration of the College in Spain. There will be visits to the fund managers to introduce my successor and to sign the new mandates.  I started this task in 1975, so I have served the College well.

The fig tree is producing some good new leaves – this is the second flowering in the year. As yet, no sign of any fruit. The gospels have a story of the cursing of a barren fig tree.

And some Robert Herrick today:

In sober mornings do not thou rehearse

The holy incantation of a verse;

But when that men have well drunk and fed,

Let my enchantments then be sung or read.

A prayer from the Psalms:

Let the peoples praise you, O Gd;

Let all the peoples praise you.

May God give us his blessing

Till the ends of the earth revere him.

Today make a simple salad with some French beans, some chopped new potatoes and some skinned tomatoes. Season well with some oil and some wine vinegar. Poach some eggs, allow them to cool, and coat with a stiff mayonnaise. Place them on top of the salad.

The new “tram busses” are due to appear on route 358.  It is a long route, almost 14 miles. They have been delayed as the electric charge was not sufficient for a day’s travel.  Pantographs have been fitted so that they can be recharged in about 10 minutes after each journey.

Some of the young people have graduated from University this year. Congratulations to you and I hope that all will go well in the future.

Best wishes to you all

Monsignor Nicholas Rothon

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Newsletter 14th July 2024

Newsletter 14th July 2024

Sunday Masses: Saturday 6.30pm first Mass of Sunday

– Sunday 9.30 and 11am and 5pm.The

Monday to Friday: Mass at 8am.

     Saturday Mass at 10am

and 6.30pm

Confessions: Saturday 12 to 1

Today is the Fifteenth Sunday of the Church’s year.

Today after the 11am Mass there will be a talk in the Angelus Room on the work of the local food bank.

Also, today I have left out some envelopes for the work of the Apostleship of the Sea if you would like to make a donation to help with their work. My father, as an old mariner, would always support this appeal.

I have worked out that this week commemorates the 56th anniversary of my arrival here – if you can work it out, this means that I must be a Soixante- Huitard.

The puzzle this year is the fig tree. Earlier in the season, it had a splendid set of leaves. These have all fallen off but there are some green buds – it is still alive, and I wonder if some more leaves will appear.

Here is a recipe if you have many people to feed. Gently fry some small courgettes and some small tomatoes in oil. Boil some tagliatelle until it is soft. Drain the vegetables and pasta, mix together, and add some sea food such as shrimps and made a few muscles. Place in a covered dish and bake in the oven till it is hot. This is a dish that can be made in varied quantities, depending on the number of visitors.

A prayer:

Lord of creation, in whose power are all times and seasons, bless us and crown us with your goodness. Keep your Church in peace, grant us every blessing and lead us to our eternal home, where you reign for ever and ever. Amen.

Lots of things happening in recent days: repairs to slates on the roof of the house, servicing the heating boilers and repairs to the Church organ. Also, a further inspection of the buildings by a member of staff from the Diocesan Finance Office and an audit of the parish accounts. The Angelus Room will be redecorated later in the month, and I will advise you of the days when it will be out of use.

A message from the Parish Council. Many parishioners have said that they would like to show their appreciation to Mgr on the occasion of his forthcoming diamond jubilee and departure as parish priest. The most effective gift would be an amount to help Mgr set up his new home. Mgr. himself is very grateful but has a preference that parishioners donate to the Myra Fund should they wish to – the Myra Fund was set up 10 years ago by Mgr (at his golden jubilee)  to specifically help children and families of our parish. The best way of structuring this is if parishioners, who wish to contribute, send their monetary gift to the following Parish Bank Account by bank transfer -.Account St. Mary’s Blackheath 30-90-89 no 01230047 – please mark Myra Fund  We will then allocate an amount as a personal gift to Mgr for his house and the balance will go to the Myra Fund. Please use this account with the reference. This will be open until 18th August. Thank you.

Best wishes to you all,

Monsignor Nicholas Rothon

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Newsletter 7th July 2024

Newsletter 7th July 2024

Sunday Masses: Saturday 6.30pm first Mass of Sunday

– Sunday 9.30 and 11am and 5pm.The

Monday to Friday: Mass at 8am.

     Saturday Mass at 10am

and 6.30pm

Confessions: Saturday 12 to 1

Today is the Fourteenth Sunday of the Church’s year.

Thursday is the feast of St. Benedict.

The Parish Council meets on Tuesday evening at 8pm. Minutes and agenda papers are available today.

A message from the Justice & Peace Group:

Thank you for your food donations to Greenwich Foodbank. Next weekend (13/14 July) we will be collecting cash donations for the Foodbank to boost their supplies over the summer. There will also be an opportunity to meet Jamie Ginns, the Strategic Lead for Greenwich Foodbank, who will talk about the Foodbank in the Angelus Room after 11.00 Mass on Sunday. All are welcome.

A busy week ahead with inspections from the Diocesan Finance Office. A further inspection of the buildings on Wednesday and an audit of the accounts on Thursday.

Thanks to all who have submitted forms for the next series of First Communion and Confirmation classes. I do not know the form that the classes will take, and details will be available in the autumn.

You are welcome to come to the garden during the summer days but please note the rules for the use of the pool posted in the Angelus Room.

I have been hard at work in recent days clearing the house for the move to the new flat; I have discovered a number of fascinating things from the distant past and wonder what to do with them. Does anybody still collect London tram tickets from the 1950s?

Oeufs Florentine is a good stand by. I add a pinch of nutmeg to the Spinach, a small amount of cheese to the white sauce and a sprinkle of red pepper on the poached egg. It is a simple dish but looks impressive.

The problem with the new trains for the DLR seems to be that the braking system does not match the automatic control system. Thus, the wheels slide when the brakes are applied fully, and the train stops beyond the station. Most inconvenient!

And some Tennyson today:

Only reapers, reaping early

In among the bearded barley

 Here a song that echoes cheerly

From the river winding clearly

Down to tower’d Camelot.

A prayer of praise:

Living God,

Beginning and End

Giver of food and drink,

Clothing and warmth,

Love and hope:

Life in all its goodness

We praise and adore you.

I hope to see the boy and is sister at the end of the month: birthdays for both of them so there will be some celebrations.

Best wishes to you all,

Monsignor Nicholas Rothon

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Newsletter 30th June 2024

Newsletter 30th June 2024

Sunday Masses: Saturday 6.30pm first Mass of Sunday

– Sunday 9.30 and 11am and 5pm.The

Monday to Friday: Mass at 8am.

     Saturday Mass at 10am

and 6.30pm

Confessions: Saturday 12 to 1

Today we keep the feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul. Usually, the feast is on 29th June but this year it has been transferred to the Sunday.

Wednesday is the feast of the apostle St. Thomas.

The funeral of Dr. Tom Stokes will be at 11am on Wednesday.

Otherwise, this week the Masses are for the Thirteenth Sunday of the Church’s year.

Prayers this week for the future of our country on the General Election day.

As you can imagine, very busy in recent days sorting through assorted junk accumulated over many years and at the same time working out the things that I might need for my new home.  Some surprising items have turned up and much time has been wasted going through them all.  Ancient Ordnance Survey maps from North Wales from the days when we used to scramble round the hills.  I have left some of these things in the Angelus Room but nobody seems to want them.

Please remember to return the Holy Communion and the Confirmation forms promptly.  I hope to have a good number to present to the new Parish Priest.

With the warmer days and the coming holidays, I expect that there will be some visits to the garden.   For smaller people, remember to have an adult to help you if you are using the pool.

Something to try this week.

Peel some potatoes and grate them. Mix

 with two beaten eggs and add some flour, pepper, salt and milk to make a thick batter. Use at once. Fry in some hot oil for two or three minutes and turn them to brown both sides. They can be served hot or cold.

I like Robert Herrick:

Bid me to live, and I will live

Thy Protestant to be;

Or bid me love, and I will give

A loving heart to thee.

(make of this what you will.)

And a prayer:  Lord, we pray thee that thy grace may always prevent and follow us, and make us continually to be given to all good works; through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Look out for some works to the properties in the coming days. During this past week, some minor works to the roof of the Church and of the house. I want to leave everything in excellent order.  After many years of extensive use, the Angelus Room will be redecorated.  Also, the gates at the entrance to the property need a repaint.  There will be some new locks on the garden gates so I will put up a list so that you can order a new key.

What has happened to the fig tree? It has lost its original leaves but seems to be producing some new buds.

Best wishes to you all

Monsignor Nicholas Rothon.

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Newsletter 23rd June 2024

Newsletter 23rd June 2024

Sunday Masses: Saturday 6.30pm first Mass of Sunday

 Sunday 9.30 and 11am and 5pm.The

Monday to Friday: Mass at 8am.

     Saturday Mass at 10am

and 6.30pm

Confessions: Saturday 12 to 1

Today is the Twelfth Sunday of the Church’s year.

Monday is the feast of the birth of St. John the Baptist.

This year the feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul is transferred from 29th June to the Sunday so that next Saturday is not a holy day of obligation.

We are pleased to welcome the Greenwich Disabled Fellowship for a special Mass at 3pm this afternoon.

The funeral for Dr Tom Stokes will take place on Wednesday 3rd July at 11am.

Some works on the roof of the Church this coming week – there are a few slipped slates. Also, we need to look at a few slates on the roof of the house. The work should be completed in a day.

A prayer from St. Columbanus:

O Lord God, give me true charity which never fails so that my life may shine as a light which warms my own heart and gives comfort to others. Amen.

Place some diced tomato and mushroom blended with a little cream and a little butter and a small mount of stock in small pot. Break an egg into each pot and cook slowly in an even. Before serving sprinkle with a little cheese.

Now I call to my Captains-

For council fly the sign,

Now leap their zealous galleys

Twelve-oared across the brine          

To me the straiter prison,

To me the heavier chain,

To me Diego Valdez,

High Admiral of Spain.

(This comes from Kipling.)

The boy is busy with cricket once again – his bat is carefully oiled – and he looks forward to a successful innings.

Thanks for those who have returned the forms for First Communion and Confirmation classes. The dates for the classes will be announced later in the year.

My herb pots continue to do well. A good crop of parsley, dill, and chives. The basil remains indoors. Also, the fig tree continues to thrive. It is necessary to clean the leaves from time to time. In a few years it might produce some fruit.

I have worked out that is about sixty years that I returned from the College in Spain – after six years away – to prepare for ordination at the end of the summer. A long journey back by train and steamer, including the Golden Arrow from Dover to Victoria. As many of you know, after ordination I went up to Cambridge to take a degree.

A few requests for marriages, baptisms and even hall hire in recent days. I am having to explain that I cannot make any arrangements for after the end of August and it will be necessary to consult Father Kyne in due course.

Best wishes to you all,

Monsignor Nicholas Rothon

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Newwsletter 16th June 2024

Newsletter 16th June 2024

Sunday Masses: Saturday 6.30pm first Mass of Sunday

– Sunday 9.30 and 11am and 5pm.The

Monday to Friday: Mass at 8am.

     Saturday Mass at 10am

and 6.30pm

Confessions: Saturday 12 to 1

Today is the Eleventh Sunday of the Church’s year.

Thursday is the feast of St. Alban, the proto-martyr of England and Saturday is the feast of the two great English Saints, St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More.  Fisher was Bishop of Rochester and More was Chancellor England. They opposed King Henry VIII and both were put to death in 1533.

A reminder to return the forms for the next series of classes for First holy Communion and for Confirmation.

The weeks are very full at present with Baptisms and other celebrations. There are a only few free dates still left before the end of August, so please let me know if you would like to arrange a baptism.

Today is the feast of St. Richard of Chichester: here is his prayer.

Thanks be to thee, my Lord Jesus Christ, for all the blessings and benefits which you have give to me, for all the pains and insults you have borne for me, O most merciful friend, brother and redeemer; may I know thee more clearly, love thee more dearly and follow thee more nearly.

I have been sorting out my books recently: those that are going to the school library, those that I want to keep and those that I am throwing out. It is a fascinating task and has brought back many memories.  I doubt if a Spanish Bible Commentary from the 60s will be of any use but the complete Oxford Chaucer still has a value.

So here is something from it:

 A Knyght ther was, and that a worthy man,

That from the tyme that he first bigan

To riden out, he loved chivalrie,

Trouthe and honour, freedom and curtesie.

Full worthy was he in his lordes were,

And thereto had he riden, no man ferre,

As wel in cristendom as in hethenesse  And ever honoured for his worthynesse.

(do you remember having to translate this for your O level English exam?)

A simple supper dish when you are tired. Some buttered toasts, moderately browned.

Some large mushrooms cooked gently in some oil.  Put them on the toast and pepper well.

I have been wondering about the two large pine trees in the garden adjoining the house. They started as Christmas trees many years ago but are now enormous. I will see if we can get permission to remove them.

A new net arrived for the football goal – I hope that the foxes will not attack it. Also, one of the new footballs disappeared immediately. Does anybody know where it is?  I have been busy keeping the pool clean but to date there have not been many very warm days.

For those with obscure interests, there are technical problems with the new train sets for the DLR and their entry into service will be delayed. 

Best wishes to you all,

Monsignor Nicholas Rothon.

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Newsletter 2nd June 2024

Newsletter 2nd June 2024

Sunday Masses: Saturday 6.30pm first Mass of Sunday

– Sunday 9.30 and 11am and 5pm.

Monday to Friday: Mass at 8am.

     Saturday morning Mass at 10am

Confessions: Saturday 12 to 1

Today is the Feast of Corpus Christi. At one time the feast was celebrated on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday, but it is now kept on the Sunday after Trinity Sunday.

On Friday we celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart.

Forms for the next set of First Holy Communion classes and Confirmation classes are available. It will be up to the new Parish Priest to decide on the timetables and the form that these classes will take, but it is good to begin to collect names for potential candidates.

The funeral Mass for Gwen Millen will be at 1.45 on Tuesday.

Feasts this week include the Uganda martyrs on Monday, St. Boniface on Wednesday, and St. Norbert on Thursday.

A major task in recent days has been to pack up the train set – I have kept the original boxes for the various pieces. There will not be space for it in my new home, so its future is uncertain. Maybe one of the great-nephews will show some enthusiasm for it as he moves on from Lego and Harry Potter.

Brown some sliced yellow onions very gently in some butter until they are soft, making sure that they do not burn. Add a bay leaf and some stock and simmer gently for about 30 minutes. Season to taste. Add some fried bread croutes made with French bread and sprinkle with some grated cheese before serving. Serve very hot.

Time present and time past

Are both perhaps present in time future

And time future contained in time past.

If all time is eternally present

All time is unredeemable.

It is predicted that the new BYD electric buses will have a range of 400 miles on one charge. One of the new Routemasters has been converted to work on electric batteries but only has a range of about 150 miles. In normal service a bus will travel about 200 miles in a day. So the future of the Boris buses looks bleak.

And room for something from Patience:

Then a sentimental passion of a vegetable fashion must excite your languid spleen,

An attachment a la Plato for a bashful young potato, or a not too French French bean!

Though the Philistines may jostle, you will rank as an apostle in the high aesthetic band,

If you walk down Piccadilly with a poppy or a lily in your mediaeval hand.

(G and S always provide some good entertainment.)

A prayer to Our Blessed Lady:

In your loving care we take refuge, O holy Mother of God. Do not disregard our prayers in our time of need, but in every danger set us free, O glorious and blessed Virgin.

A wonderful video presentation from the First Communion children – it is good to see them and all it will be a great treasure

Best wishes to you all,

Monsignor Nicholas Rothon.

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Newsletter 26th May 2024

Newsletter 26th May 2024

Sunday Masses: Saturday 6.30pm first Mass of Sunday

– Sunday 9.30 and 11am and 5pm.The

Monday to Friday: Mass at 8am.

     Saturday Mass at 10am

and 6.30pm

Confessions: Saturday 12 to 1

Today is the feast of the Most Holy Trinity. It is the formal completion of the Paschal season.

Thanks to all who helped to make the First Holy Communion celebration so special last Sunday. Best wishes and congratulations to all the children.

This is the Eighth Week in ordinary time.

Monday is the feast of St. Augustine of Canterbury. He was sent to England by Pope Gregory in 597 to help establish the Christian faith in this land.

Friday, the last day of May is the feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary – the day in which she travelled to visit her cousin Elizabeth before the birth of John the Baptist.

You might also like to say a prayer for Father Hartley on Tuesday. It is the anniversary of his death in 2020.

Monday is the Bank Holiday. I may have some special duties on the steam railway, and I will let you know if we need to change the time of the morning Mass.

I expect you might need to prepare a quiche for a summer lunch. You can use frozen pastry if there is not time to make some. The filling can made from some spinach, if possible, some sorrel, crème fraiche, two egg yolks, a little grated nutmeg, and some grated cheese. I hope it turns out well.

A short prayer:

Write upon our hearts, O Lord God, the lessons of thy holy Word, and grant that we all may be doers of the same, and not forgetful hearers only. Amen.

It is suggested that the new Routemaster buses, the “Boris” buses, will all be withdrawn from service by 2030 and replaced by all- electric vehicles. 1000 were built. Their lives are much shorter than the original Routemasters, which lasted for 50 years.

Near the celebrated Lido where the breeze is fresh and free

Stands the ancient port of Venice called the City of the Sea.

All its streets are made of water, all its homes are brick and stone,

Yet is has a picturesqueness which is justly all its own.

(Betjeman at his worst!)

An advance warning that a new version of the Scriptures will be introduced at Mass from the First Sunday of Advent.  There will be a need for a new set of Mass books, and I am leaving to Father Kyne to decide how this will be arranged.

The garden is doing very well this year, though some areas are a bit overgrown. I have started on a new set of herbs, and some are beginning to come up. The fig tree is doing very well. Not long and you can start to look for some raspberries on Sunday. Also, the cherry trees are producing a lot of fruit.

Best wishes to you all,

Monsignor Nicholas Rothon.

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Newsletter 19th May 2024

Newsletter 19th May 2024

Sunday Masses: Saturday 6.30pm first Mass of Sunday

– Sunday 9.30 and 11am and 5pm.The

Monday to Friday: Mass at 8am.

     Saturday Mass at 10am

and 6.30pm

Confessions: Saturday 12 to 1

Today is the Feast of Pentecost in which we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit upon Our Lady and the Apostles. We use the red vestments today. This day is said to be the feast of the birth of the Church.

Congratulations to the 36 children who are making their First Holy Communion at the 11 am Mass today. Thanks to all the parents who have supported the children and helped with the classes. It has been a wonderful year and we have all enjoyed it very much.   Look out for the tree that the children have planted in the garden to commemorate this day.

So back to Ordinary time once again after the Lenten and Paschaltide seasons. The green vestments come out again. This coming week is the Seventh week in ordinary time. There are still a few more feasts to celebrate. Next week it is Trinity Sunday and following this, Corpus Christi.

Monday is the feast of Mary, Mother of the Church, and Saturday the feast of the great English Saint, Bede the Venerable.

A busy week ahead with a number of School and Investment meetings.

I was pleased to welcome Father Kyne for a visit last week and to explain to him some of the workings of our parish. We hope to arrange a meeting with the Parish Council in the coming weeks.

Lots of fun in the garden in recent days – quite a lot to do – cutting the hedge and the lawn, clearing up the leaves and making sure that the pool is clean with the right chemicals.

The builder came for a meeting last week. No urgent works, but a series of small jobs to ensure that everything is kept in good order. The Angelus Room will have a simple redecoration to make sure that it is smart and clean.

My favourite salad at moment is made from some lettuce leaves, a finely sliced apple, and some pieces of avocado pear. It needs to be well dressed with oil and vinegar but goes well with most things.

Do you remember an Inn?

And the tedding and the spreading

Of straw for a bedding,

And the fleas that tease in the High Pyrenees,

And the wine that tasted of tar,

And the cheers and the jeers of the young muleteers

Under the vine of the dark verandah?

(Belloc is always fun.)

Transform our understanding and our will, O Lord, by the gift of your Holy Spirit: may our minds be subject to your Spirit and all our wishes be directed towards your holy will, to the praise and glory of your name. Amen.

In the next couple of weeks I will be putting out inscription forms for the next set of First Holy Communion  classes and also Confirmations.  It is not possible to give an indication for the form that these classes will take, but it will be good to register a set of names.

I hope the good summer days will continue.

Best wishes to your all

Monsignor Nicholas Rothon

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