St Mary’s Parish Council
Meets about four times a year at the Presbytery to support the parish priest on parish matters, and organises the annual parish meeting in early summer. Its coverage ranges from retreats and the garden party to financial matters. The Rules of the Blackheath Parish Council explain its remit.
Details of the current membership are on display in the church porch. . Three new members are elected every year at the AGM, usually for a 3 year period. If you would like an item to be raised at the Parish Council, we would be very interested to hear from you. Please feel free to contact one of the office bearers, or fill in one of the post-its in the church porch. If you would like to join the Parish Council, Fr. Paul & Fr. Frazer would be pleased to hear from you:
The Justice & Peace (J&P) Group
The Justice & Peace (J&P) Group
A small, friendly group which aims to raise awareness of social justice issues and to raise funding for local, national and international initiatives. We meet on a regular basis to organise a range of activities in support of agencies such as CAFOD, the Manna Centre and the Jesuit Refugee Service. We draw on the principles of Catholic Social Teaching which have drawn renewed strength from the focus on social justice expressed by Pope Francis. We welcome new members: to find out more, please contact Hazel Wilkinson on or Helen White on
The Children’s Liturgy Group
Meets during the 9.30 mass on Sundays during term time to provide a range of activities for children to help them understand the meaning of the mass readings. Contact: Teresa Pearce
The Little Children’s Liturgy Group
Meets during the 9.30 mass on Sundays during term time for pre-school children, including babies and toddlers, accompanied by an adult or sibling old enough to look after them and helps them to understand the Gospel of the day.
The Choir
Sings at the 11.00 masses on Sundays and at a number of other events throughout the year. Meets for practice sessions after the 11.00 mass on Sunday mornings. Contact: Tim Murray
The Children’s Choir
Sings at the 9.30 masses on the first and second Sundays of the month with rehearsals from 9.00-9.30 before those masses. Contact: Ali Smith or Theresa Freeburn
Eucharistic Ministers
They support the priest in the distribution of communion at Mass.
The Eucharistic Ministers’ Rota
A number of parishioners read at each mass according to a rota, and attend other occasional meetings as advertised in the newsletter. New volunteers are always welcome. If you would like to read, please contact Clodagh Woodall nson.
The Parish Magazine: The Blackheathan
“The Blackheathan” is published ten times a year on the last Sunday of each month. It is distributed to all members of the parish but has a wide circulation outside the parish. There are five members of the editorial team who prepare and edit material for publication. The contents cover a wide range of subjects – travel, architecture, art, music, book reviews, lives of saints, poems as well as items concerning the life and work of the parish. Members of the parish are invited to submit items for publication, particularly about things that are happening in the parish. Contact Ali Smith.
Other ways you can get involved at St Mary’s
Other specific events are advertised in the newsletter – such as parish retreats and outings or events that are being organised by other bodies such as the deanery or diocese.
Thank you to everyone who helps in whatever way at St Mary’s. Other opportunities include the following:
- altar serving
- care of the church
- flower arrangements
- care of the garden
Volunteers, other ideas and offers of help are always welcome.
Please contact Fr. Paul or Fr. Frazer if you’d like to offer to help or to get involved at St Mary’s.
We hope you will.