Newsletter 25th August 2019


5, Cresswell Park, SE3 9RD

Tel. 020 8852 5420



Mass times: Saturday: 6.30 pm (first Mass of Sunday) Sunday: 9.30 am, 11.00 am, 7.30 pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 10.00 am Tuesday and Thursday: 7.30 am Eucharistic Service: Tuesday 10.00 am Confessions: Saturday 12 to 1.00 pm

Sunday 25th August 2019.

Today is the twenty first Sunday of the Church’s year.

Monday is the Bank holiday but I will not be away working on the railway this time and Mass will be at the normal time of 10am.

There will be no 7.30 Mass on Thursday.

Tuesday is the feast of St. Monica and Wednesday is the feast of St. Augustine himself.

Please return the First Communion forms as soon as possible as I will be ordering the books this week.

The choir for the 11am Mass returns after the summer break on Sunday 1 September.  New members are always very welcome and the start of a new term would be a good time to join.  Some previous singing experience would be an advantage given the level of music that the choir performs and the limited rehearsal time (Sundays from 10.30am and after the 11am Mass for about an hour).   For anyone who is interested, please see Tim Murray or a member of the choir after the 11am Mass.

Quite a busy week with three hospital appointments.

It has not been a particularly good summer. Soon I will have to think about draining the pool and putting it away for another year.

This week work will be starting on the new lavatories on the big hall. This should not cause any problems but please take care when using the hall in case there are materials lying about.

A prayer for today: Hear our prayers, Lord and grant us a safe and happy journey throughout our lives: may your help be with us. May your help be with us through all life’s changes.

How about cooking some apples? Boil some sugar, cinnamon and lemon juice and poach the peeled apples gently until tender. Remove them from the syrup and reduce this rapidly, adding some butter and some apricot jam to make sauce to pour over the apples.

Routemaster buses were rarely seen in Blackheath. In the mid 1975s some extra buses arrived at New Cross garage and they were sent out on Saturdays on route 89 for a few years.  This lasted until the driver only buses arrive in 1978.

W.B Yeats could be most perceptive:

Irish poets, learn your trade,

Sing whatever is well made,

Scorn the sort now growing up,

All out of share from toe to top,

Their unremembering hearts and heads ….

School holidays are coming to an end and the boy and his sister are preparing for a new term: he will be in year 4 and his sister in year 1. The cousin has spent the summer in France and will come back with a mixture of French and English.

Best wishes to you all

Monsignor Nicholas Rothon

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