St Mary’s Blackheath
Newsletter 23rd October 2022
Sunday Masses: Saturday 6.30pm first Mass of Sunday
– Sunday 9.30 and 11am and 5pm.
Monday to Friday: Mass at 8am.
Saturday 10am and 6.30pm
Confessions: Saturday 12 to 1
Today is the Thirtieth Sunday of the Church’s year.
Friday is the feast of the apostles Simon and Jude.
On Monday we set off for a visit to the College in Spain, returning on Friday evening. This means that from Monday to Friday this coming week there will not be an 8am Mass in the Church. We hope to have the Church open for morning prayers and possibly for the distribution of Holy Communion during these days.
Also, an advance notice that it will not be possible to celebrate an 8am Mass on Monday 31st October. I have been asked to conduct a funeral service at Eltham at 9am for a child. I will be back later, and I will celebrate a Mass in the Church at 11am if you wish to attend.
A reminder that summertime comes to an end next week and the clocks go back one hour.
The Funeral Mass for Bishop Tripp will be held at the Cathedral at 12.30pm on Wednesday 2nd November.
Advance notice that there will be a Carol Service in the Church on Sunday 11th December.
The giving tree will appear in the usual way at the beginning of Advent and also, we hope to be able to send cards to prisoners of conscience.
To answer a question from Phillip, the journey from Blackheath to Dartford using the Woolwich line takes 34 minutes whilst the journey by way of Bexleyheath takes 27 minutes.
Dawn points, and another day
Prepares for heat and silence. Out at sea the dawn wind
Wrinkles and slides. I am here
Or there, or elsewhere. In my beginning.
(from East Coker)
A prayer:
Almighty and everlasting God, who dost govern all things in heaven and earth: Mercifully hear the supplications of thy people and grant us thy peace all days of our life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
A favourite supper dish of late has been mushrooms on toast. I use small button mushrooms and fry them gently on both sides in some olive oil, and then serve on toast, well peppered. Simply but most enjoyable.
Week by week, hymn books seem to be missing: if you have taken one home by mistake, I would be grateful if you could return it.
During the month of November, there will be a basket under the altar for envelopes for the names of those who have died, so that they can be remembered at Mass.
The magazine will be published next week – with some exciting articles.
Best wishes to you all,
Monsignor Nicholas Rothon