St Mary’s Blackheath
Newsletter 30th October 2022
Sunday Masses: Saturday 6.30pm first Mass of Sunday
– Sunday 9.30 and 11am and 5pm.
Monday to Friday: Mass at 8am.
Saturday 10am and 6.30pm
Confessions: Saturday 12 to 1
Today is the Thirty First Sunday of the Church’s year.
If all has gone well, by the time that you read this, I hope that we will have returned safely from our visit to the College in Spain. This is the first time that we have been able to make a visit for three years: seven people came with me this time.
Tuesday is the feast of All Saints and is a Holy Day of obligation.
Masses in the Church are at 8 and 10am and 6.30pm.
Wednesday is All Souls day: Many people like to come to Mass on this day. There will be a Mass at 8am in the morning and an additional Mass at 6.30pm.
Monday 31st is difficult as I have to attend to the funeral of a baby at 9am. There will not be an 8am Mass in the Church but prayers and a chance to receive Holy Communion.
During the month of November there is a basket beneath the altar in which you can place the names of those who will be remembered at Mass.
Confirmation classes again and the class is at 6.30pm on Thursday evening in the big hall. It was very good to see you all and I hope that you enjoyed the film.
Then on Saturday First holy Communion classes starting at 10am in the big hall.
Poached eggs are a good stand by and here is my recipe. Poach the eggs in some fiercely boiling water to which you have added some vinegar. Remove the eggs with a slotted spoon to some buttered toast and serve with some hollandaise sauce and a sprinkle of red pepper. It turns an ordinary dish into something special.
A prayer for the holy souls: God the Father and Redeemer of all the faithful, grant to the souls of the faithful departed, that through our supplications, they may obtain the pardon that they have always desired. Through Christ Our Lord Amen.
I have worked hard to plant some daffs at the end of the garden: I hope that the animals will not discover them and dig them up.
This year there will be an Advent Carol Service on Sunday 11th December at 5pm.
Regretfully I have decided that it will not be possible to arrange hot wine and mince pies this year. There is still a lot of Covid about and a crowded gathering in the Angelus Room would not be prudent.
For this one Sunday it will be necessary to re-arrange the time of the evening Mass –
Details to follow.
In December, I am looking forward to a couple of afternoons work on the steam railway. A busy time, but I enjoy putting on my high-viz jacket once again and playing with the trains. This is the real thing – much better than the train set!
Best wishes to you all
Monsignor Nicholas Rothon