Newsletter 9th OCtober 2022

St Mary’s Blackheath

Newsletter 9th October 2022

Sunday Masses: Saturday 6.30pm first Mass of Sunday

– Sunday 9.30 and 11am and 5pm.

Monday to Friday: Mass at 8am.

Saturday 10am and 6.30pm

Confessions: Saturday 12 to 1

Today is the Twenty Eighth Sunday of the year.

We will collect the CAFOD fast day donations after Mass today.

The second of the Conferences on Ignatian Spirituality will take place in the Angelus Room at 6.30 on Tuesday evening.

Now that the autumn days have come, I have put on the heating in the Church. Please help to keep the Church warm by keeping the doors closed and not leaving them hooked open.

Thursday is the feast of St. Edward the Confessor, who is buried in Westminster Abbey.

Saturday is the feast of St. Teresa of Avila.

Here is her prayer:

Let nothing disturb you, let nothing affright you, all things pass away;

God never changes, patience obtains all things. Those who haves God find they lack nothing; God alone suffices.

There is a funeral at 11am on Monday for Muriel Farmer.

The priests of the Deanery meet on Tuesday and there is a conference in London on Thursday with the lawyers who look after the affairs of the College in Spain.

I was using up some odds and ends the other day and prepared this for lunch. I cooked some slices of carrot and courgette and also some small pieces of potato. At the last minute added a handful of cooked prawns to the veg. Drain well and season with plenty of pepper and some olive oil.

A great deal of work in the garden in recent days, clearing up the leaves. Thanks to Mark and to Sam for their help with the new net on the trampoline. It is a difficult task to fit it and to tie up the cords.  The new zip seems better than the old one and I hope the jumpers will be safe. Also have you noticed that one of the benches has been mended with new slats.

A trip to north London recently week and a chance to see some of the buses that do not come south of the river – including the hydrogen fuel buses on route seven and the all-electric Optares on route twenty-three.

Some advice from Alexa: Who is H? Mother of God, is it really true that the blundering fool Buckles made mugs of us all?

And some John Donne:

Thou hast made me, And shall thy worke decay?

Repaire me now, for now mine end doth haste,

I runne to death, and death meets me as fast,

And all my pleasures are like yesterday.

I hope that you are all keeping well.

Best wishes to you all,

Monsignor Nicholas Rothon.

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