Newsletter 1st November 2015.
Today instead of the normal Sunday Mass we are celebrating the feast of All Saints. Today we remember not only the well-known apostles and martyrs but some of the lesser known saints.
Tomorrow, November 2nd is All Saints day. We always pray for our deceased friends and family members on this day and so there will be an additional Mass in the Church at 6.30pm.
During November there will be a basket under the altar and you can leave an envelope with the names of these who are to be remembered at Mass during this month.
Next Sunday is Remembrance Sunday and there will be a Requiem Mass for those who have died in wars and conflicts. We will begin with the 2 minutes silence. Please remember to arrive in good time.
Next Sunday there is a second collection for the Bishop’s Administration Fund.
First Communion Classes come round once again: there is a meeting for the parents to run the classes at 8pm in the House on Monday evening and the class will take place in the big hall on Saturday.
Again a full week: to Canary Wharf on Tuesday and to County Hall or a Schools meeting on Thursday and on to Greenwich Town Hall in the evening.
A prayer for our families:
Lord, we ask you to bestow on our families the riches of your blessing. With you grace, sanctify us all, so that faithful to your commandments we may care for one another, ennoble the world by our lives, and reach the home that you have prepared for us in heaven. We make our prayer through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Here is an unusual recipe: mince some ham finely and combine with some white sauce, a little seasoning and the yolk of an egg. Cut some rounds of bread and make some small sandwiches with the ham mixture. Dip into a mixture of soft butter and a little olive oil and cover with a mixture of grated cheese and bread crumbs. Place in a buttered dish in the oven and brown on both sides. You might keep this recipe for use at a Christmas party.
How about some Rupert Brooke?
God, I will pack and take a train,
And get me to England once again!
For England’s the one land, I know,
Where men with Splendid Hearts may go;
And Cambridgeshire, of all England,
The Shire for men who understand.
(Please excuse the solecisms in this.)
A great deal of work is taking place on the railway track at Rotherhithe with preparations for the new dive-under. Vast mounds of earth are moving about but it is difficult to work out the proposed alignment of the new tracks. I will be watching this with great interest. Much of the land formed the site of the old Bricklayers Arms goods depot and engine shed so presumably the railway retained the freehold of the land.
We havn’t had any Pepys for some time: …. Down to Woolwich, where we discoursed of several matters, both there and at the Ropeyard; and so to the yacht again, and went down four or five miles with extraordinary pleasure, it being a fine day and a brave gale of wind, and has some oysters brought us aboard, newly taken, which were excellent and ate with great pleasure. There also coming into the river two Dutchmen, we sent a couple of men on board and bought three Hollands cheeses, cost 4d a piece, excellent cheeses. (Feb 1663)
The great nephew is enjoying his days at school .He now has a great mop of fair hair and delights his small sister who admires him greatly. Already looking forward to Christmas: I will have to out for something special for him: maybe the latest Lego electronic kit.
Best wishes to you all
Monsignor Nicholas Rothon