Newsletter 11th October 2015
The First Communion children will be sharing in the 9.30 Mass today following their class on Saturday morning. The first two classes come together closely but normally they are monthly.
The Eucharistic Ministers meet on Thursday at 8pm in the house.
Next Sunday the Justice and Peace Group will be running a Coffee morning in the Angelus Room after the 9.30 and 11 Masses. The theme will be to sing the Cafod petition on climate change. Always popular with the children and there is a competition to see if it is possible eat a large wedge of cake and to bounce on the trampoline at the same time.
To the Deanery meeting of the local priests on Tuesday and to London for a meeting on Wednesday. I have to catch the 10.34 train to Victoria so I can celebrate the 10 Mass but will ask the Ministers to read the Novena prayers.
Not long now for our visit to the College in Spain – we leave on Monday 19th. I am in touch with the Rector and have asked him to ensure that everything is ready for us when we arrive. As always I am very much looking forward to this.
Some important feasts this week: Tuesday is the feast of St. Edward the Confessor, the King of England who is buried in Westminster Abbey. Thursday is the feast of St Teresa of Avila; I hope that we will be able to visit her convent when we go to Spain.
Next Sunday there is the annual second collection for the Missions.
News of the great nephew and his sister: it seems that he is totally fearless and wants to climb everywhere. His sister is now just beginning to walk, so in a short time he will be able to take her out with him.
I have been observing the works at London Bridge station with great interest. Some of the new track work is in place at the entrance to the station and good progress has been made with the new platforms. There is a lot of weekend working at present, leading to closures of the lines to Charing Cross. Not long now before track is lad on the new bridge over Borough High Street. It used to be said that for railwaymen, passengers were irrelevant: the real task was full size train set to play with.
Here is a recipe for a soup: mince some leeks and some potatoes and fry lightly in some butter without browning. And some chicken stock and seasoning and cook very slowly for about 30 minutes. Blanch some lettuce leaves in salted water, shred and mix with the stock. At the last minute add a liaison of 2 egg yolks and a little cream. I hope this works. According to my book, this is known as Potage Bonne Femme.
At the beginning of the autumn, my herb pots are looking quite sad. I think I will clean them out for the winter and start with some fresh plant next spring. The second dill crop started well but the birds and the animals destroyed them. The cherry tree continues to do well and the magnolia has made good progress. The olive tree continues to grow, although the birds took most of the fruit.
A prayer for today: Lord, our out on us a spirit of understanding, truth and peace. Help us to strive with all our hearts to know what is pleasing to you, and when we know your will, make us determined to do it.
The recent visit to Cumbria encouraged me to take out my copy of The Prelude:
‘Twas autumn, and a calm and placid day
With warmth as much needed from a sub
Two hours declin’d towards the west, a day
With silver clouds, and sunshine on the grass,
And, in the sheltered grove where I was couch’d
A perfect stillness.
Here is the chorus at the beginning of Act V of Henry V;
So let him land, and solemnly set on to London. So swift a pace hath thought that even now you imagine him upon Blackheath; where that his lords desire him to have borne his bruised helmet and his bended sword before him through the city.
Best wishes to you all
Monsignor Nicholas Rothon