St. Mary’s Blackheath.
Newsletter 13th September 2020
Mass times: Saturday 6.30pm (first Mass of Sunday) – Sunday 9.30 and 11am, 5 and 7.30pm.
Weekdays: Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at 10am. Tuesday and Thursday 7.30am.
Due to distancing regulations, for the present there are no confessions.
Today is the Twenty Fourth Sunday of the Church’s year.
Next Sunday, at the 11am Mass, we will celebrate the First Holy Communions. This was delayed from May. The Mass will be for the children and the families alone and admission to the Church will be by ticket. Others are asked to come to an alternative Mass on this day.
There will be a rehearsal for the children at 10.30am on Saturday morning in the Church. It is important to attend – to receive a copy of the booklet for the parts that they will read – and for each family to receive a ticket for the Church.
We had hoped to start classes for First Holy Communions in 2021 with a first meeting for parents on 16th September. The recent changes in Covid regulations mean that it is necessary to cancel this for the time being. We do not know when things will change but I will let you know when we can start the classes. For the time being it would be helpful if you could let me have any further registration forms so that I will know the size of the class and advise you as to when we can start.
Monday is the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross and Tuesday is the Feast of the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
During the recent high winds, a piece of the gutter was dislodged from the Church and damaged one of the stained-glass windows. I am arranging for repairs to be put in hand. It is hoped that the cost will be covered by insurance.
For those with arcane interests: from Saturday Arriva takes over the operation of bus route 202 from the Go Ahead group. The present Volvo Gemini Streetdeks will be replaced by new hybrid Enviro 400 MMCs.
A prayer from Thomas More:
O my sweet Saviour Christ, who n thine undeserved love towards us, would so kindly suffer the painful death of the cross, suffer me not to be cold or lukewarm in love towards thee.
Here is Wordsworth returning to school:
We ran a boisterous race; the year spun round
With giddy motion. But the time approach’d
That brought with it a regular desire
For calmer pleasures –
(I hope that the new term is going well for everybody and things are not too difficult)
You might like to try some stuffed tomatoes. Mix together some pieces of crushed garlic, some chopped parsley and some breadcrumbs and moisten thoroughly with olive oil. Cut the tomatoes in half and cut out the seeds. Fill with the mixture and bake in a moderate over for about 15 minutes.
I have decided to cancel my trip to the College in Spain at the end of October. As yet things are by no means certain and quarantine both on arrival in Spain and on my return would be a possibility. I have asked Fernando, my companion in the office at the College, to send the various figures to me for the accounts. I have not been brave enough to ask for an on-line meeting with the Banks in Spain.
My herbs continue to grow well. A new crop of parsley has thrived. I will try another crop of dill before the autumn and possible some more coriander. The basil is well protected from the birds.
Best wishes to you all,
Monsignor Nicholas Rothon