St. Mary’s Blackheath.
Newsletter 6th September 2020
Mass times: Saturday 6.30pm (first Mass of Sunday) – Sunday 9.30 and 11am, 5 and 7.30pm.
Weekdays: Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at 10am. Tuesday and Thursday 7.30am.
Due to distancing regulations, for the present there are no confessions.
The newsletter is back in the normal format this week.
First Communions will be held on Sunday 20th September at the 11am Mass. There will be room only for the families of the children and admission to the Church will be by ticket. Will others please attend one of the other Masses on this day please.
Also, looking forward to 2021, we are starting classes for the next set of children for First Communion. There will be a meeting for parents on Wednesday 16th September at 8pm. Please let me have any further forms as soon as possible. At present there are 8 children for the class.
Tuesday this week is the birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
I will be draining and putting the pool away this week. It has been a good summer and it has been well used. Everything is stacked away in the shed for another year and I have to help the grass to recover with some compost and some seed. The birds think that the grass seed is a special treat and I have to use the roller to make sure that it is well covered.
There have been some requests about Confirmation classes. As yet I do not have a date from the Bishop, but I hope that we can arrange Confirmations in the spring of next year. I will put out some application forms soon and hope that we can start the classes in October.
Welcome back to school for many people this week. I hope all goes well. The boy and his sister are returning to school. If I have got it right, I think he will be in Year 5 and his sister in year 2.
Here is recipe from the Basque country. Prepare and chop some green beans and some potatoes into small pieces. Fry some cloves of garlic in olive oil and crush in a mortar. Add everything to some boiling water with some oil and cook until the potatoes break up and form a thick soup. Cut up some pieces of bread, cover with grated cheese and fry in some oil. Add them to the soup and serve with some green olives cut into rings.
I like this:
We are the music makers,
And we are the dreamers of dreams,
wandering by lone sea breakers,
And sitting by desolate streams;-
World-losers and world-forsakers,
On whom the pale moon gleams:
Yet we are the movers and shakers
Of the world for ever, it seems.
A prayer for today:
Lord Jesus, eternal splendour, on tis day which is given us by the Father’s love, do not let us lose sight of you but always bring us back to the light of your face, for you live and reign for ever and ever. Amen.
We seem to have mastered the card reading machine and it works well each week. Thank you for your donations.
A small tip: put a piece of lavender in your face mask when it is not in use. It helps to make things easier.
I hate on line forms – over an hour this week trying to complete something for the Bank for the College in Spain – and still more questions.
Best wishes to you all
Monsignor Nicholas Rothon