St. Mary’s Blackheath.
Newsletter 20th September 2020
Mass times: Saturday 6.30pm (first Mass of Sunday) – Sunday 9.30 and 11am, 5 and 7.30pm.
Weekdays: Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at 10am. Tuesday and Thursday 7.30am.
Due to distancing regulations, for the present there are no confessions.
First congratulations and best wishes to the children who are making their First Holy Communion at the 11am Mass today. Thanks to all the parents and to those who have helped over the past year.
Things are not easy at present and it has become necessary to postpone the classes for the 2021 First Communions for the time being. To date we have 23 children for the class- please let me know if there are any more names.
The same applies to the Confirmation class. I am collecting names and will let you know when the classes can begin.
If anybody has ideas on how we can begin the classes, I would welcome your advice.
A number of on-line meeting this coming week including a Local Authority meeting on Monday so the days are full. Life has become complex and I am wondering if I need a new phone in order to cope with everything.
Monday is the feast of the apostle St. Matthew and Thursday is the feast of Our Lady of Walsingham.
It is good to see the way in which the grass has recovered on the patch that we used for the pool. We used a good quantity of grass seed and then covered it with compost and rolled it in so that the birds would not be able to eat it. There are other patches where the grass needs some attention but the ground is very hard.
You might like to try some fried mushrooms this week. Cut them into slices and then dip them into some flour and then into some beaten egg and coat them with some breadcrumbs. Fry them in about 1cm. of oil until they are brown and crisp.
The new Arriva buses have appeared on route 202. Last week you may have seen them undertaking some trial runs through the Village so that the drivers could become acquainted with the route. The 202 is a fairly new route, replacing in part the 108 from Crystal Palace to Catford and the 75 from the Royal Standard to Catford.
A poem for joggers:
We swing ungirded hips
And lightened are our eyes
The rain is on our lips
We do not run for prize.
We know not whom we trust,
Nor witherward we fare
But we run because we must
Through the great wide air.
(This is by Sorley – I remember learning this at school many moons ago.)
And a prayer: Teach us O Lord, to fear without being afraid; to fear thee in love that we may love thee without fear; through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Best wishes to you all,
Monsignor Nicholas Rothon