Newsletter 10th June 2012
Today we celebrate the feast of Corpus Christi. On Maundy Thursday, we recall the institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper, but there are many other things to think about on this evening.
Therefore the Church instituted a special feast at the end of the Easter season to commemorate and celebrate the gift of the Eucharist.
Friday is the feast of the Sacred Heart. At the Mass at the Convent the Sisters will renew their vows.
Monday is the feast of St. Barnabas. Although he was not one of the original twelve, his feast is kept as an apostle on account of his great influence in the early Church. In particular he looked after Paul and introduced him to the other apostles.
This week is kept as the 10th week in ordinary time in the calendar of the Church. The green vestments are used on the days when there are not special feasts.
Gradually the weeks are winding down for the summer holidays. Memories of days at school, when you have finished your O levels – or later the A levels – days to play cricket or maybe just to sit about in the sun and talk. And then later on,
May week was in June…….
Recently I discovered a book of poems by Edmund Knox, the brother of Monsignor Ronald Know. He was a regular contributor to Punch using the name Evoe. Here is something from him:
We had a cook, but she has gone away,
She was too good, to beautiful to stay-
Beautiful in her art, I mean to say.
There is no book
That can expound the sorrow of the thing
When a light hand with pastry taketh wing;
We can but sit and week, remembering
How she could cook.
(more to follow in weeks to come – I warn you – it gets worse!)
A word of thanks to all who have helped with the garden. The task seemed enormous but the new bed looks superb. Just in time, the ban on watering a new set of planting with a hose was lifted on 29th May and we were able to take advantage of it at once. On a smaller scale, my basil has now been planted outside in a bigger pot. It is gradually growing and in time I hope to be able to transfer it to the herb garden. Most things are doing well, but it needs some trimming.
Saturday is the commemoration of St. Richard of Chichester, so time to repeat his prayer:
Thanks be to thee, my Lord Jesus Christ, for all the benefits and blessings which thou hast given to me, for all the pains and insults which thou hast borne for me, O most merciful friend, Brother and Redeemer; may I know thee more clearly love thee more dearly, and follow thee more nearly.
I am not sure if any children have found their way to the toy room at the back of the stage in the big hall. On Sundays, the garden seems to be more popular at present. If you want, you can borrow some of the toys, or possibly you have some things to add to the toy box. The new chains for the swing seem to have survived several weeks of intensive use. As an amateur railwayman, I am used to testing bolts to see that everything is in order.
A reminder that the next meeting of the Parish Council will be on 20th June. I hope to have agenda papers for you next week.
The Jubilee has produced some interesting images: a fascinating picture the other day of a tram at the Highgate terminus of route 35. These were the only trams that made their way into North London, by way of the Kingsway Subway. All other tram routes north of the river had been converted to trolleybuses before the War. The trams lasted until 1951 and initially it became the 172 bus route, though later it became the 171. The tram in the photo is an E3, one of the new trams constructed for the Subway routes, only cars with metal bodies were allowed in the tunnel.
The children at school were working out text messages with me the other day. Here are some of them. LTIFOTG – TOYCL – IDTTF.
Answers next week, if I remember.
There will be a Holy Hour at the Convent on Wednesday 13th June at 2.30
I realise there is no recipe, but I will have something for you next week.
Best wishes to you all
Monsignor Nicholas Rothon