Newsletter 6th July 2015
Gradually moving into our mid-summer days and I hope that you are looking forward to your holidays.
Next Saturday there is a games afternoon in the garden for children up to age 11 starting at 2.30pm. Quite a few surprises and I hope that you will be able to come.
The Eucharistic Ministers meet on Thursday evening at 8pm.
Quite a busy week with a meeting in London all day on Monday and the Governing Body of Christ the King College on Tuesday. There is a Mass for school leavers at S. Matthew’s on Friday afternoon.
Saturday of this week is the feast of St. Benedict, the patron of Europe.
Thanks to all who came to the Parish AGM last week. The list of the new members of the Parish Council is shown on the noticeboard.
I am still looking for somebody to take on the task of running the repository and would welcome an offer.
The Justice and Peace Group will be holding a Coffee morning after the Masses on 19th July.
I think that the film club is meeting today – see details on the poster in the porch.
Various works are taking place – as always. The major project is the renovation of one of the houses facing the Church. A new tenant is due to move in towards the end of this month. The Church boiler has been serviced – it kept us warm throughout the winter – and you might have noticed that it was necessary to renew the boarding to the tiered rose beds at the back of the house.
I have been tending my herb pots with care: a good crop of dill: some basil is starting to sprout and I have added some more chives. The pots are well protected against attacks by birds and other pests. The cress and some of the parsley is going to seed and I need to renew it. The oregano was a challenge but the sprouts are beginning to appear.
At Rotherhithe further progress is being made on the dive-under for the railway tracks. Part of the old viaduct, which used to carry the down Brighton lines, has been demolished. I estimate that it must be at least 160 years old. It must be good fun to demolish a structure like this. London Bridge is still shrouded with high wooden panels. I must find a way to observe what is going on inside.
The marriage season is in full swing in the moment – you will have seen the splendid flowers in the Church. Congratulations and best wishes to all who are getting married this summer.
A simple Spanish recipe that you might find in a bar. Cut some potatoes into small cubes: coat them with olive oil and season them and bake at about 200 C for about 45 minutes. Coat with Allioli (garlic mayonnaise) made from 2 egg yolks, 4 crushed garlic cloves and some white wine vinegar and some olive oil. The traditional way of making this is to drip the oil slowly into the mixture but an electric mixer is just as good.
A prayer from St.Alphonsus; O Holy Spirit, grant me the gift of prayer. Come into my heart, and grant me the strength not to abandon it because I sometimes grow tired of it. And give me the spirit of prayer, the grace to pray continually.
From time to time a reminder to check to see if you have any books from the library. Some seem to have been out for a long time and it would be good if you could return them.
And one of my favourites again:
Dear Pig, are you willing to sell for one shilling
Your ring? Said the Piggy ‘I will.’
So they took it away, and were married next day
By the Turkey who lives on the hill.
Best wishes to you all
Monsignor Nicholas Rothon.
Visits to the sick
If you are going into hospital, please let the Parish Priest know so that if possible a visit can be arranged.
It is possible to bring Holy Communion to the sick and the housebound on a regular basis. Please ask the Parish Priest if you would like to arrange this.Login