Newsletter 12th July 2015
Today the Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary time.
There is a second collection today to support the work of the Apostleship of the Sea.
Thanks to all who came to the Games afternoon in the Garden on Saturday. I am sure that you all enjoyed it.
Next Sunday there will be Coffee and Cakes in the Angelus Room after the morning Masses organised by the Justice and Peace Group. Once again I will try to make a cake for you.
Wednesday this week is the feast of St. Bonaventure and Thursday is the commemoration of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
I am not hear on Tuesday of this week as I have to travel to Douai Abbey for a meeting of the Historic Churches Committee. This means that there will not be a Mass at 7.30am but there will there will be a Eucharistic Service at 10.
In the evening there is a celebration at Lewisham Town Hall for the retirement of the Director of Children’s Services. I hope that I will be back in time for this.
On Wednesday the children from the school are going to Minnis Bay. We went last year and it was a wonderful day out – sun and sea. I have to chair a meeting in London for a Trust on this day so it looks as if I will not be able to go this year.
I have put up the names of the new members of the parish council in the porch. Thanks to all who have agreed to help this year.
We have been working away on different parts of the garden. There seemed to be a good crop of apples earlier in the year but the birds and the animals seem to have taken them all, which is most disappointing. The gooseberries were very sweet – and the raspberries are now beginning to appear. I think that this year the olive tree will produce a limited amount of fruit, though too small to do anything with them.
Pleased to report that a recent episode of Foyle’s War, from 1945 included an authentic STL bus. Probably 441, which was withdrawn from service in 1953 and spent about 20 years in museum in Holland. It was brought back to England, restored fully, and is now on display at the bus museum at Weybridge. Not so Mr. Foyle’s car – is now using a splendid P3 Rover – this was not introduced until 1948.
A prayer for today:
Lord, as we go to our work this day, help us to take pleasure therein. Show us clearly what our duty is, help us to be faithful in doing it. May all we do be well done, fit for thine eye to see. Amen.
Now some Matthew Arnold;
Listen! You hear the grating roar
Of pebbles which the waves draw back, and fling,
At their return, up the high strand,
Begin, and cease, and then again begin,
With tremulous cadence slow, and bring
The eternal note of sadness in.
The recipe this week is for a little Spanish sandwich, to tide you over during the early evening before a very late meal. You will need some crisp bread rolls. Spread with allioi – rather than butter. Fill with some pieces jamon, some small slices of manchego cheese – and some strips of pimiento. At least this is what you might do in Spain. In England you might have to look for some more conventional fillings.
The great nephew is about to finish his school term but is looking forward to his holiday. He is preparing for his aunt’s wedding in August. I think he is still too young to drink a toast.
We are allowed to quote Richard Dawkins:
The essence of life is statistical improbability on a colossal scale.
Best wishes to you all,
Monsignor Nicholas Rothon
Visits to the sick
If you are going into hospital, please let the Parish Priest know so that if possible a visit can be arranged.
It is possible to bring Holy Communion to the sick and the housebound on a regular basis. Please ask the Parish Priest if you would like to arrange this.Login