Newsletter 30th November 2014
Today is the First Sunday of Advent. It is the beginning of the period of preparation for the celebration of Christmas. We use the purple vestments for the next four weeks. The Gloria is not recited.
This is the first Sunday in the Church’s year. We will be taking the Scripture readings from the second cycle (B). Later in the year the gospel readings will be taken from Mark. New Mass books today – if you have taken any away by mistake please return them.
Today the charts have been put up in the Angelus room for the cycle of Christmas mystery plays. There are three plays – on the Sunday before Christmas, on Christmas Day and on the Feast of the Epiphany. If possible please add your names today.
I think that the Giving tree will be put up this weekend – for the benefit of the Manna Centre and the Asylum Seekers. Patrick, Finn and Rosie have been helping with this.
Wednesday is the Feast of St Francis Xavier and Saturday is the Feast of St. Nicholas. His relic is kept beneath the altar so look out for a candle in his honour on this day.
I have a guest to stay this week – the Archbishop of Madrid – he is here to attend a conference as a guest of Bishop Lynch and he will be staying in the house. I am very pleased to be able to welcome him.
A meeting at the school at 9am on Wednesday morning – a review of Key Stage 2 – so if the Bishop is not about, there will be a Eucharistic Service at 10am.
There is a continuing enthusiasm for Latin: so can you work out where this comes from? Ex omnibus tabernis in omnibus oppidis totius orbis terrarum, in meam incedit.
The new sidings for the Overground trains just beyond New Cross station are now in use. With the increase in services – and longer trains – there was a need for some additional space as the depot was not large enough. All this is quite impressive when compared with the old East London line depot, which is now a derelict site.
A prayer:
O Christ Jesus, when all is darkness, give us the sense of your presence, your love and your strength. Help us to have a trust in your love and your strengthening power.
Kipling wrote the Smuggler’s Song
Five and twenty ponies
Trotting through the dark
Brandy for the parson
‘Baccy for the clerk
Laces for a lady, letters for a spy
And watch the all, my darling as the Gentlemen go by!
You must be looking for a recipe now: Advent is slightly penitential so here is one of Arabella Boxer’s sandwiches. Some thin slices of brown bread: spread with unsalted butter on one slice and cream cheese on the other and scatter with chopped walnuts and maybe add some thick honey to the buttered slice before putting the sandwich together. Cut off the crusts and cut into quarters. This sounds to me like good nursery food.
A message from the parish Council:
We are working with Monsignor Rothon to try and reduce his workload following his recent health problems. We are reviewing the number of weekend Masses at St. Mary’s that are said by one priest and we are looking to reduce the weekday Masses. We hope that the parish will understand the need for these changes that will be announced in full during December.
Best wishes to you all
Monsignor Nicholas Rothon