Newsletter 30th December 2012.
The last newsletter of the old year: and to wish you every blessing and happiness in the year to come.
Thank you all for sharing in the Christmas Masses.
Thank you also for your many gifts and cards and for your generous Christmas offerings which are very much appreciated.
Thank you also for your many gifts for the Manna Centre and for the centre for Asylum Seekers.
These are the slow, final days of the old year, catching up on a few odds and ends as well as, maybe, reading a few books and watching some films.
Tuesday, New Year’s Day is kept as the solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God. There will be a Mass in the Church at 10am.
Next Sunday, 6th January is the feast of the Epiphany. The children will present the final part of the cycle of mystery plays at the 9.30 Mass. One the best moments is when the three kings arrive with their presents. And then – after Mass – the costumes will be put away for another year. Also then time to take down the crib and to put it back in its store. Thanks to Steve and Marianne for running the plays and for Maria for her help with the costumes.
Lots of things to look forward to: in particular Confirmations on 28th April and First Holy Communions on 12th and 26th May. I expect there will be some travels – as always, travels to Spain, though I have not fixed the dates as yet.
We decided to introduce a 7.30am Mass for an experimental period when the Convent closed last November. This has proved to be popular. After consulting the Parish Council, it has been agree that this can continue for the time being, starting again on 2nd January after the Christmas break.. From time to time I may be away on my travels and will not be about, but I will let you know well in advance.
I hope that in the days after Christmas there will be chance to take the circular trip round London on the Overground, starting from Surrey Quays and changing at Highbury and Islington and at Clapham Junction. The views over the roof tops at Hoxton or over the carriage sidings at Willesden are stunning. You must try it some time. I threaten you with an article in a future issue of the parish magazine.
It was very good to see the boy on Christmas day. He is now talking a lot and has started to toddle about. His Grandpa takes him out to show him items of great interest but he just falls asleep in his buggy with boredom. I have told his mother that he needs a smart moddy haircut as his blond locks are far too long.
Something from Eliot to welcome the New Year:
It is not to ring the bell backward
Nor is it an incantation
To summon the sceptre of a Rose.
We cannot revive old factions
We cannot restore old policies
Or follow an antique drum.
I expect that you are looking for the recipe by now so how about this: fry some diced pieces of ham in butter gently for about 5 minutes. Heat some oil and some butter in a pan and cook some button mushrooms fairly briskly. Add some finely chopped garlic and some parsley and fry for a minute or two. Then add some small stoned green olives and the ham and season to taste. Serve hot.
This goes well with some roast meat, or as a dish on its own served on some toasted bread.
And a prayer:
Almighty God, unto whom all hearts are open,
All desires known and from whom no secrets are hid; cleanse the thoughts of our hearts, by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love you and worthily magnify your holy name. Through Christ our Lord Amen.
In the next week or so work will be starting on the new railings on the outside of the Church. They will be a great improvement. The original railings were cut away during the way and so we are now removing the temporary replacement. It is good to think in the longer term.
And for the uninitiated, the text messages in the last newsletter were as follows:
POS – parents over shoulder
CWYL – chat with you later
Best wishes to you all
Monsignor Nicholas Rothon