5, Cresswell Park, SE3 9RD
Tel. 020 8852 5420
E-mail: stm.Blackheath@tiscali.co.uk
Website: www.stmarysblackheath.org.uk
Mass times: Saturday: 6.30 pm (first Mass of Sunday) Sunday: 9.30 am, 11.00 am, 7.30 pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 10.00 am Tuesday and Thursday: 7.30 am Eucharistic Service: Tuesday 10.00 am Confessions: Saturday 12 to 1.00 pm
Newsletter 3rd November 2019. Today is the Thirty First Sunday of the Church’s year.
The funeral Mass for Archbishop Bowen takes place on Monday at 12.30pm at St. George’s Cathedral. We pray for the repose of his soul. I remember him with great affection as I worked for him at the Finance Office for many years. In recent times he lived in retirement in a flat next to Greenwich Park.
Also we pray for the repose of the soul of Sue Gyde who died recently. For many years she helped to organise the liturgy for the children and was a Governor of Christ King College. Her funeral will take place at her family home in Wales but there will be a memorial service here at a later date.
On Friday the 10am Mass is a funeral Mass for Mrs. Elizabeth Barry.
Next Sunday is Remembrance Sunday. The 11am Mass will be a Requiem Mass for those who died in the World Wars. Please remember to arrive in good time as we will observe the two minutes’ silence at the beginning of the Mass.
During November, we remember the Holy Souls in our prayers. There is a basket beneath the altar and you can add a list of names for those who will be remembered at Mass.
There is a second collection next week for the Archbishop’s Administration Fund.
First Communion classes have come around once again. There is a meeting for parents to plan the class at 8pm on Monday in the house and the class will be in the big hall at 10am on Saturday morning.
There is a Latin class next Saturday afternoon at 4pm. Thanks to Pete and Hazel for arranging this.
We always try to bring back a recipe from the College in Spain. A first course is a mixture of white cabbage, carrots and pieces of potato, served hot and mixed with some black pepper and a little olive oil.
The visitors to the College were astonished at the speed of the train journey from Madrid to Valladolid – 300 kph with a photo of the screen in the coach to prove it. The HS2 in England is a long way off, but it is already happening in Spain.
The jackdaw sat on the Cardinal’s chair
Bishop and abbot and prior were there
Many a monk, and many a friar
Many a knight, and many a squire
With a great many of lesser degree
In sooth a goodly company.
(this is a great favourite of old – do you remember it? I will have to quote it to you in full at some time. It is as good as the Pied Piper.)
There are still problems with my basil plants. I tried an on line solution: a spray of water and washing up liquid but it almost killed them off. I look for the insects each day but have been unable to find them. A possible solution might be a light coating of honey on some of the leaves so that I can catch them.
A prayer from St. Anselm:
Lord our God, grant us grace to desire thee with a whole heart, so that desiring thee we may seek and find thee; and so finding thee, may love thee; and loving thee, may hate those sins which separate us from thee.
Best wishes to you all
Monsignor Nicholas Rothon