5, Cresswell Park, SE3 9RD
Tel. 020 8852 5420
E-mail: stm.Blackheath@tiscali.co.uk
Website: www.stmarysblackheath.org.uk
Mass times: Saturday: 6.30 pm (first Mass of Sunday) Sunday: 9.30 am, 11.00 am, 7.30 pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 10.00 am Tuesday and Thursday: 7.30 am Eucharistic Service: Tuesday 10.00 am Confessions: Saturday 12 to 1.00 pm
Today is the Twenty ninth Sunday of the Church’s year.
There is a second collection today to support the work of the Missions.
On Monday I travel to Spain to visit the College for one of my regular trips. This year eight are coming with me and I look forward to showing them the College.
This means that I will not be here for Mass during the week. The Bishop will be able to celebrate the 10am Mass on Monday and Friday. There will be a Eucharistic Service at 10am on Tuesday and Wednesday but there will be no 7.30 Mass on Tuesday and Thursday and there will not be an evening Mass at the Convent on Friday.
I have to return to England on Friday to be back at the parish. October 25th is the great feast day at the College when we celebrate the feast of the canonisation of the English martyrs. Six were students at the College. Some of the guests are staying for the special Mass and the feast and will return on the Saturday.
The Latin Class meets for the first time in the Angelus room at 4pm on Saturday afternoon. I know that Peter has been preparing something special for you. Remember to bring a pen and a small note book.
The members of the youth group met last week and I hope to give you details of their thoughts in the coming weeks. I am very pleased as they have arranged this entirely on their own initiative and I want to support them in every way.
I know that a meeting of the Parish Council is overdue and I will arrange this when I come back from Spain.
A reminder that next week-end the clocks go back an hour.
As always I will try to bring back a recipe from Spain. Another attempt last week at making soup from chick peas – this time from a tin. You need to add some water and seasoning. Take care as it splutters all over the place and clothes ended up in the washing machine.
A prayer for use at meal times: Lord Jesus, be our holy guest, our morning prayer, our evening rest, and with this daily food, impart thy blessing and grace to every heart. Amen.
We haven’t had any Hopkins for a long time:
With swift, slow: sweet, sour; adazzle, dim;
He fathers-forth whose beauty is past change;
Praise him.
The garden is gradually settling down for the winter. The fruit crop was not very good this year. A few apples but the raspberries did not do well and the birds took the white currants and the gooseberries before I could pick them. I am still working on my basil plants but even indoors, there seems to be a bug that attacks the leaves. I am reluctant to use a spray as this does not seem to be eco-friendly.
From time to time, you may have noted special yellow trains coating the rails with a new compound to counter the effect of falling leaves. A great deal or research has been undertaken in recent years to device compound which counter the effect of leaf mould on a steel rail. It seems to be working as there is less wheel slip days as the driver opens up the motors when the train leaves the station.
I hope that you have remember to obtain your flu jab.
Best wishes to you all
Monsignor Nicholas Rothon