St Mary’s Blackheath
Newsletter 1st May 2022
Sunday Masses: Saturday 6.30pm first Mass of Sunday
– Sunday 9.30 and 11am and 5pm.
Monday to Friday: Lenten service at 8am.
Saturday 10am and 6.30pm
Confessions: Saturday12 to 1
Greetings to you on the First Sunday of May which is the Third Sunday of the Easter Season.
After the 9.30 Mass we will crown the statue of Our Blessed Lady. This year we are crowning the statue in the garden, and I invite the children to come in procession after the Mass.
Tuesday is the feast of the Apostles Philip and James. Wednesday is the feast of the Martyrs of England Wales, always a big feast at our College in Spain.
Thanks to those who helped to put up the swimming pool and renew the net on the football goal. One or two slight injuries, but I think we survived. The swim suites are available on the normal pegs in the Angelus Room.
Two weeks now to the First Holy Communion Day and we are busy with the preparations. The text of the booklet has been agreed and I will be printing it during the coming week. Also, a trip to buy some wine and writing out the certificates.
There is a funeral Mass in the Church at 9.30 on Wednesday for Maureen Murray.
Something we should mention from time to time. We take great care with safeguarding on our parish. The name of our safeguarding representative is shown in the porch. If you need help from something which might have happened in the past, speak to me if you wish and I will see what might be possible.
An ancient prayer for Easter:
O God of unchangeable power and light eternal, look kindly upon the wonderful mystery of your Church, and by the tranquil operation of your perpetual providence, carry forward the work of human salvation. Through your Son Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
A salad from Spain. Cook some green beans until they are just tender. Make a dressing with a crushed clove of garlic, some wine vinegar, and some olive oil. Coat the beans with the dressing and add a chopped hard-boiled egg and some parsley.
Some John Donne from one of the Holy Sonnets:
At the round earth’s imagine corners blow
Your trumpets, angels, and arise, arise
From death, you numberless infinities
Of souls, and to your scatted bodies go:
The youngest of the great nephews has been out and about with his grandfather recently. Photos of him in the driving seat of an ancient bus: he is only three, but it is good to see that he is receiving instruction on important matters.
Back to Spain again at the end of this month. The Bishops have decided that the meeting of the Trustees should take place at the College this year – for the last couple of years it has been online. So, I will be packing my bag once again and collecting the necessary papers.
I hope that you are all keeping well and look forward to some warm summer days.
Best wishes to you all,
Monsignor Nicholas Rothon.