Sunday 15th April 2012
Today, the Sunday at the end of the Easter Octave, is known as Low Sunday, and also as Quasimodo Sunday from the first word of the Latin Introit. The famous Parisian bell ringer was born on this Sunday.
On this Sunday, by tradition we read the gospel of the appearance of the Risen Lord to Thomas.
Two saints this coming week: On Thursday, St. Alphege, who was martyred at Greenwich in 1012, and on Saturday, St. Anselm, the abbot of Bec in Normandy who became Archbishop of Canterbury.
During Paschaltide, the readings at Mass during the week are taken from the book of the Acts of the Apostles. This is easy to follow, but the lessons in the Office book come from the Apocalypse, and they are more difficult.
By the time that you read this, I hope to have returned from a visit to the College in Spain. I will ask the Rector if we can come again in the autumn and will let you know the dates – probably towards the end of the month. I have been preparing the papers for the meeting of the College Trustees which will take place in May.
The funeral of Dr Owen McCarthy will take place at 12 noon on Tuesday. He was very well known in this parish for many years and I am sure many of you will wish to attend. We offer our prayers and sympathy to his wife Mary and to his family.
More travels- I have to go to Guernsey on Monday but should be back in the evening for the meeting of the Liturgy Committee.
On Thursday the Papal Nuncio will hold a reception to celebrate the anniversary inauguration of Pope Benedict. This will take place at Westminster in the Cathedral Hall.
We are looking forward to the First Holy Communions which will take place this year on Sunday 13th May. This year 32 children will be making their First Communion so that the Church will be very full indeed with their families. In advance, could I make a request that if your family is not involved, just for this one Sunday, you try to come to another Mass. Thanks for this.
Father Hartley was well known and much loved as Parish Priest here for many years. This year he will be celebrating the 50th anniversary to the priesthood on 16th June at his parish at Bexley. I will be sending him a gift of behalf of the parish here but I would like to prepare a card for you to sign. I hope to have this available in the next few weeks.
An addition to the recipe for the Spanish Easter cake that I gave to you last Sunday. Maria tells me that it is very popular at this time of year and is served in many restaurants. It used to be made with bread but now it is generally made with biscuits. The Spanish name is “pan de caldaria” so look out for it on a menu. She tells me that it is a good idea to add some drops of vanilla essence to counteract the taste of the eggs.
A prayer for young people, particularly those who will be taking important examinations in the next few weeks.
Grant Lord, to all students, to love and know that which is worth loving and knowing, to praise that which pleases you most, to esteem that which is most precious to you, and to avoid anything that is harmful. Amen.
I am sure that you know this poem:
And how beguile you? Death has no repose
Warmer and deeper than that Orient sand
Which hides the beauty and bright faith of those
Who made the Golden journey to Samarkand.
The works continue at London Bridge Station: if you arrive at the Brighton side, you can now see through the far end of the train shed. The new bridge for the additional tracks has been extended towards the station and also the new bus station is coming into use. There will be many things to watch for a long time to come.
I have been tending my herb garden with care and hope that the birds will not attack it. I have grown some basil in a pot – to begin with in a shady place and later I have given it some more sun.
If it gains strength, I will try and plant it out of doors later in the summer.
A note to thank you all for your most generous
Easter offerings.
Best wishes to you all,
Monsignor Nicholas Rothon