Newsletter Sunday 13th May 2012
A very special day as 31 children make their First Holy Communion at the 11 am Mass. Congratulations and best wishes to all the children and a word of thanks to all the parents who have worked so hard to make the classes so enjoyable. And thanks to Ali and Teresa for help with the music over many months, and to Chris for helping with the children on the day .itself.
Newsletters written well in advance so by the time that you read this, I hope to have returned from my visit to the College in Spain. It is always most enjoyable – those of you who have been there with me will know why.
Special thanks for your very generous response the recent mission appeal. We were able to send just on £1200 to the Missionary Sisters.
Next Sunday we keep the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord – it is no longer on a Thursday – though some think that we should return to the traditional day. There is a second collection next Sunday for world communications. – the work of the Church’s Press Office.
Monday is the feast of St. Matthias – the apostle who was elected to replace Judas. The tradition is that he journeyed to Ethiopia. Some of his relics are now kept at Treves.
This coming week is very full. On Tuesday I travel to Paris for a meeting of the English Foundation at the Catholic University. On Thursday and Friday I will be Guernsey for two meetings of the Insurance Company. If the Bishop is not available, there will be a Eucharistic Service on the Church at 10am. There will be a Mass at the Convent each day at 8am.
If you have not taken them already, please remember to collect your pack of Gift Aid envelopes.
This year, the rain has caused everything in the garden to grow rapidly. The apple trees have blossomed well. The sweet chestnut at the end of the garden is now in leaf and the copper beech has started to bud. I will need to cut back the roses soon as they are sprouting rapidly. Due to the wet weather, three ducks have decided to take up residence and I see them regularly. It is good to see that the new planting in front of the Church has taken root rapidly. Peter was here recently and looked at the bees. Sadly they have not survived the winter. The swarm came from New Zealand but they are not robust enough for our climate. I am leaving the hive empty for the time being – but maybe some wandering bees might move in.
Some work going on at the back of the hall to renovate the old store behind the stage. It will be clean and safe and I want to provide a small play room for the children on days when it is too wet to go outside. Come and have a look when it is finished and let me have your thoughts. If you have any toys that are no longer required – perhaps some Lego or some games – we can leave them there and could think of starting a toy library. I might even put out a clockwork Hornby train from time to time.
And now a prayer:
We beseech thee, O Lord, to enlighten our minds and to strengthen our wills, that we may know what we ought to do, and be enabled to do it, through the grace of thy most Holy Spirit and for the merits of thy Son, Jesus Christ Our Lord.
Something from Browning:
Where one small orange cup amassed
Five beetles – blind and green they grope
Among the honey-meal; and last,
Everywhere on the grassy slope
I trace it. Hold it fast.
Something very simple from the kitchen this week: the other day I made some pasta and served it with some olive oil, some black pepper and a handful of fresh rosemary and parsley from the herb garden. It was very enjoyable. Now, I will be looking to see if anybody raids the herb garden too vigorously.
Work at London Bridge station continue and provide much interest. The new bridge across Borough High Street seems to be complete and ballast has been put time on some of the sections. The next stage will be to begin to lay the tracks. Probably there will need to be several days without trains when the new tracks are connected to the existing system. It seems that in all, the project will take about 5 years to complete.
Best wishes to you all
Monsignor Nicholas Rothon