St. Mary’s Blackheath
Christmas Services.
There is no newsletter this week, but I thought that you might like to have note giving details of the Christmas services.
On Christmas Eve there will be Masses in the Church at 7.30 and 10am.
There will be Confessions from 12 to 1pm.
The Procession through the Village starts from outside the Church at 4.30pm.
On Christmas Eve, the Church will be open from 11pm.
There will be a service of carols and readings starting at 11.30pm. and followed by Mass at 12 midnight.
On Christmas morning the be Masses as follows:
8 am Mass at Dawn
9.30 am Mass with the second part of the cycle of mystery plays.
11am Solemn Mass of the day.
On Boxing Day, 26th of December there will be Mass at 10am.
Monsignor Nicholas Rothon.