Church re-opening.
It is now possible to re-open the Church for private prayer from 15th June.
As yet, we do not have a date for a full re-opening and the resumption of Sunday and daily Masses.
The use of the Church will be subject to several conditions – I will be required to sign a declaration to show that we can fulfil these conditions.
They are as follows:
At all times it will be necessary to keep a distance of at least 2 metres – this will mean keeping apart in the benches and not approaching others to talk with them whilst in the Church. Distance markers will be placed on the floor.
It is not possible to celebrate Mass or to organise public prayers such as the recitation of the Rosary.
Do not touch the statues or light votive candles
Use hand gel from the dispenser when entering the Church.
It is not essential to wear a face mask – this is optional.
Make sure that you do not leave anything in the benches.
The doors will be left open so that air can circulate.
The lavatories will not be available.
At all times it will be necessary to have two people in the Church acting as stewards to ensure that the rules are obeyed. I cannot do this on myself and will need the help of at least one other person. Please let me know if you can help by email or with a phone call so that I can set up a rota.
In view of the above, I propose that in the first week, the Church will be open from 9 to 10am in the morning and from 4 to 5 pm in the afternoon. This will only be possible if at least one helper is available – if not, the Church cannot be opened.
We will try this for the first week – to see if people wish to come to the Church at these times and if helpers are available. If the results are positive, we can continue until the restrictions are lifted.
This must sound daunting, but I am sure that you will understand – similar regulations are in force in many other places.
Best wishes to you all,
Monsignor Nicholas Rothon