We will be able to open the Church for Mass from 4th July.
most important – an instruction that has come from the Archbishop today – which sounds impossible! We have to keep a record of everybody who comes to the Church so that they can be traced. I was not expecting this and it seems an almost impossible burden – suggestions for example that people should book on line before coming to Mass – we can only do the best we can. I am going to provide some small cards for you to add a name and a telephone number when you arrive at the Church together with the date and time of the Mass. We can only do our best and I hope that this will work.
Masses will be at the normal times on Sundays and weekdays with an additional Mass at 5pm on Sunday afternoons.
i.e. 6.30 pm Saturdays and 9.30, 11, 5 and 7.30pm on Sundays.
Weekdays – Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 10am
Tuesday and Thursday 7.30 am.
Please use hand gel on entering the Church. The holy water stoops are taped out of use.
Please use alternate benches – so as to maintain distance – half the rows are taped off. Make sure that you do not leave anything in the benches.
It will not be possible to use Mass books or hymn books.
It will not be possible to have servers, readers or Eucharistic Ministers for the time being.
For Holy Communion, please come up in line, keeping distance as far as possible. You are asked to receive the Sacred Host in the hand. It will not be possible to offer the chalice for the time being.
It is not possible to use the offertory baskets but you are asked to place your offertory donations in the box on the paper rack.
Strictly the lavatories should be locked out of use and if possible, please do not use them. If children find it necessary to use them, parents are asked to check to ensure that they are kept clean.
I am sure that you understand the need for all this and appreciate your help.
Monsignor Nicholas Rothon