Newsletter Sunday 7th October 2018
Today is the Twenty Seventh Sunday of the Church’s year.
It is also kept as Rosary Sunday and possibly you might find time to recite the Rosary today.
Last Friday was the autumn Fast Day for Cafod and boxes for your donations are available today.
Saturday is the Feast of St. Edward the Confessor, the great English king whose relics are buried beneath the High Altar in Westminster Abbey.
First Communion classes come around once again. The parents who are giving the class meet in the house at 8pm on Monday and the class is in the hall on Saturday morning. The first two classes are close together but from now onwards, they will be once a month.
Anniversaries this week: Wednesday is the anniversary of the death of Archbishop Cowderoy, who ordained me to the priesthood and also on the same day, the anniversary of Monsignor David Greenstock, the Vice-Rector of the College in Spain when I went there – and who did so much to teach us. May they both rest in peace.
As busy time as the accounts for the College in Spain are made up to 30th September. I have to collect the papers together and take them to the auditors and at the same time prepare a draft budget for the coming year. I need to have some outline accounts for when we go out to Spain at the end of the month.
This is written well in advance but I hope that by the time you read this, the new heating system will be in operation. There were some delays due to problems in tracing the pipework to the header tank and this lead to delays with removal of the old asbestos from the boiler room.
I am pleased with the way in which the grass in the garden is recovering of the sites of the pools. The secret seems to be plenty of watering and some compost over the new grass seed to distract the pigeons.
Thanks to those who are helping to organise the regular coffee mornings in the Angelus Room – they seem to be very popular – and thanks also to those who help to keep the Room clean each week.
You may have noticed the extension to the bus roadways at London Bridge station. Considering the extent of the works, it would be good if more substantial shelters could have been provided to protect waiting passengers from winter rains. Years ago, it was possible to board a waiting bus with an open platform – but now we have to wait until the doors are opened.
A prayer for today: Father of mercy, your love embraces us all and through the resurrection of your Son you call us into your wonderful light. Dispel our darkness and make us one in heart and voice, forever singing your praise.
This makes a good mixture to serve on toast: melt 1oz butter and add the yolks of 2 eggs. Add 6oz of grated cheese and some anchovy essence, a little mustard, a spoonful of vinegar and season. Warm and stir carefully until the mixture becomes creamy. I hope that this works!
And Keats on Autumn:
His soul has in its Autumn, when his wings
He furleth close; contented so to look
On mists in idleness – to let faith things
Pass by unheeded as a threshold brook.
News from the boy and his sister: they are enjoying the new terms at school. A great debate as to whether there is space for a trampoline in their garden. They are enthusiastic but parents have to be persuaded.
Best wishes to you all,
Monsignor Nicholas Rothon