Newsletter 7th June 2015
Today we celebrate the feast of Corpus Christi. At the Mass of the Last Supper on Maundy Thursday we commemorate the institution of the Eucharist – but there are many other things to think about on this evening – and so the Church also keeps another feast after the Easter season is completed – to celebrate the presence of the Lord under the appearances of Bread and Wine.
For weekday Masses you will need to know that this is the Tenth week in ordinary time and the readings are taken from the first cycle.
May was a very full month with celebrations in the Parish as well as some travels. June should be easier, though plenty of work at the two schools. Nevertheless quite a busy week ahead: to City Hall on Monday afternoon and to meetings in London on Tuesday and Wednesday. The Children from the school are coming for a special Mass at 10am on Thursday morning. I must remember to pump up the football and buy some biscuits.
Friday of this week is kept at the Feast of the Sacred Heart. Thursday is the Feast of St. Barnabas. Although not one of the original twelve, he is numbered as an apostle. He cared for Paul and introduced him to the early Church: the book of the Acts describes him as “ a good man, full of faith”.
The great nephew was here for a baptism last Sunday. His small sister is left to her own devices but he wants to help me in every way. He went home very pleased – with a little packet of toy buses to add to his collection.
They day on the steam railway on the Bank Holiday at the end of May was most enjoyable. Our engine was the Schools class “Cheltenham”. It was not in the best of form and required at lot of attention to keep up the steam pressure. There were two firemen on the engine and they had to work hard. Not too many passengers as there many rival attractions at this time of year.
The trampoline in the garden is always very popular. It is beginning to show some signs of wear after almost two seasons of very intensive use. We still have to wait for some further income from the Myra fund – it has already paid for the little house – but maybe we can save up to buy a new trampoline for next year.
Have you noticed how well the fruit is doing this year – the white currants, the rhubarb, the sour cherries and the gooseberries. There was plenty of apple blossom this year and the fruit is beginning to form so there should be a good crop – also not long before the raspberries begin to appear: all this is thanks to be bees. The bee keeper has promised some pots of honey as a rent for spaces for his hives.
A few weeks old but I tried this recipe for lunch when the Bishop came for the Confirmations. Cook some small leeks and some pieces of fennel gently so that they remain firm. Refresh in cold water and lay aside to drain thoroughly. Make a white sauce and add some grated cheese and a good spoon of mustard and mix well. Add the vegetables to the sauce and place in a baking dish. Top with some grated cheese and bake in the oven. Lay aside and leave to cool. Carefully remove the dish and serve a small portion as a first course.
On the feat of Corpus Christi you will need the words of the Ave Verum:
Ave, verum corpus
Natum de Maria Virgine
Vere passum immolatum
In Cruce pro homine,
Cujus latum perforatum
Unda fluxit (et) sanguine
Esto nobis praegustatum
In mortis examine. Amen.
Best wishes to you all,
Monsignor Nicholas Rothon
Visits to the sick
If you are going into hospital, please let the Parish Priest know so that if possible a visit can be arranged.
It is possible to bring Holy Communion to the sick and the housebound on a regular basis. Please ask the Parish Priest if you would like to arrange this.Login