Newsletter 5th June 2016
Today is the Tenth Sunday in Ordinary time. The Green vestments return once again and we continue with the readings from Luke’s gospel. A reminder that we are using Cycle C for the Sunday readings, and the Second cycle on weekdays.
Saturday is the feast of St.Barnabas. Although not one of the twelve, he is counted as an apostle. He introduced the newly converted Paul to the Christian community – a moment of enormous significance for the future of the Church. He is described in the book of the Acts as “a good man, and full of faith”.
A reminder of the parish retreat which will be held at the Convent on 25th June. Leaflets are available giving details of the day together with a booking form.
To London for Finance meetings on Monday and Thursday this week and to Lewisham for an Education meeting on Wednesday. On Tuesday evening there is a reception at the Town Hall at Woolwich for Bishop Michael Ipgrave who up to now has been the Bishop of Woolwich. He has been appointed Bishop of Lichfield.
Work on the overhaul of the organ should be starting on Monday. This means that for two weeks, the weekday Masses will be held in the Angelus Room rather than in the Church. All should be as normal on Sundays. The organ was built in 1978 and has proved to be a great asset. It is constructed in a traditional form – no electrical connections – and with reasonable maintenance it will last for centuries.
From time to time I continue with tasks in the garden. You will note that the black cherry tree is producing a lot of fruit and I have covered with a net to deter the birds. My pots of herbs are doing well with some regular watering and the removal of weeds. The olive trees have produced a small amount of blossom but not enough to guarantee some fruit. They must yearn for a warmer climate.
Something from the Rubaiyat:
Think, on his battered Caravanserai,
Whose portals alternate night and day
How sultan after sultan with his pomp,
Abode his destined hour, and went his way.
A prayer for today:
Into your hands, O Lord, we commend ourselves this day. Let your presence be with us to its close. Strengthen us to remember that in whatsoever good work we do we are serving you, to the honour and glory of your name. Amen.
A recipe for the summer. You will need to boil some long grain rice. It helps if you add half a lemon and float some olive oil on top. Drain and add some salt, some good quality olive oil, a little tarragon vinegar, some shredded shallots and a pinch of nutmeg. Add some slice cucumber, maybe some black olives, a few cubes of raw celery and pieces of green pepper. Sprinkle with chives and parsley before serving. (A lot of work, but it is very good).
As yet, I have not travelled on the new Gatwick express units: they seem to be bedevilled with union problems. It will be recalled that the original service used second hand Mark 2 coaches with an electro-diesel locomotive. These were followed in 199 by the Juniper units: quite comfortable but most unreliable. Within a short time they were followed by second hand former Bournemouth line units which were not really suitable with their small number of doors for each coach.
I hope that the children are able to enjoy the garden after Mass on Sunday. Some repairs to the football goals where they have been eaten by the foxes, and regular tasks of cleaning the pool and adding the chemicals. Following the advice of the parish council we intend to provide a smaller pool, financed from the Myra fund for the benefit of the little people.
Best wishes to you all,
Monsignor Nicholas Rothon