Newsletter 3rd May 2015
Today is the first Sunday of May. At the end of the 9.30 Mass we will crown the statue of Our Blessed Lady.
The Film Club meets at 5pm this evening in the Angelus Room.
Monday is the Bank holiday and I will be away working on the Railway. If the Bishop is not here, there will be Eucharistic Service at 10am. Probably not quite as busy as at Easter – we will be operating a two rather than a three train service.
Next Sunday is the day for the Confirmations. Bishop Lynch will be coming for the 11am Mass. I hope that it will be fine. After the Mass there will be a reception in the garden. The Mass will be very full with family and friends and if you normally come to the 11am Mass, you might consider coming to another Mass on this day.
Monday is the Feast of the English Martyrs – always a very special day at our College in Spain.
The First Communion children have now completed their course of instruction – ten lessons in all. Thanks to the parents for all their help. We now look forward to the two special days.
The trees are now all flowering in the garden. The olive tree has survived the winter and is beginning to grow. The monkey puzzle tree at the end of the garden is still very small, but these always take many years to grow. I am busy with my pots of herbs. The basil is beginning to sprout and I am taking precautions to keep the snails from attacking it. One of the big jobs this year will be to renew the terraced beds for the roses outside the house.
New Routemasters have now started to appear on route 12. At its peak, this route went from South Croydon to Harlesden, though in fact it normally operated in two overlapping sections – from Croydon to Oxford Circus and from Dulwich to Harlesden. In the mid-1950s, 89 buses were allocated to this route on weekdays. Nowadays it is much shorter, terminating at Oxford Circus. This came about when the bendy buses were introduced as they could not manage the turn from Regent Street into Oxford Street.
Now some Keats:
Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard
Are sweeter; therefore, ye soft pipes, play on;
Not to the sensual ear, but, more endeared,
Pipe to the spirit ditties of no tone.
(I am sure your will remember the Grecian Urn.)
A prayer from St. Therese of Lisieux as we prepare for the First Holy Communions:
Living bread, Bread of heaven, Eucharist divine, moving mystery that is the work of love: come dwell in my heart, Lord Jesus, just for today.
Hear a dish from Spain to serve on a summer day: Slice some mushrooms and sprinkle them with lemon juice. Heat some oil and add some crushed garlic and half a small red chilli, finely chopped. Cook the mushrooms over a gentle hat and add some further slivers of garlic. Season and serve with some chopped parsley.
No news from the great nephew or from his sister for some weeks. He is very busy at school and will finish reception class this term. He will be coming to visit in a few weeks’ time for a baptism. I will have to find some railway books and maybe a model bus to add his collection.
We have added a small blackboard in the Angelus Room – thanks to Eve for this. It is a great success with the children: I will need a new supply for chalk fairly soon.
Best wishes to you all.
Monsignor Nicholas Rothon.
Visits to the sick
If you are going into hospital, please let the Parish Priest know so that if possible a visit can be arranged.
It is possible to bring Holy Communion to the sick and the housebound on a regular basis. Please ask the Parish Priest if you would like to arrange this.Login