Newsletter 3rd December 2022

St Mary’s Blackheath

Newsletter 4th December 2022

Sunday Masses: Saturday 6.30pm first Mass of Sunday

– Sunday 9.30 and 11am and 5pm.

Monday to Friday: Mass at 8am.

Saturday 10am and 6.30pm

Confessions: Saturday 12 to 1

Today is the second Sunday of Advent.

In these middle Sundays of Advent, the gospels speak of John the Baptist.

Next Sunday at 5pm we have our Carol Service. I hope that you will be able to come. This does mean that for one Sunday, we need to change the time of the Sunday evening Mass so that next week, it will be at 6.30pm. I hope that this will not be too difficult for you.

I am pleased to say that the cycle of mystery plays will be returning this year. The dates are 18th December, Christmas Day, and 8th January. Cast lists have been put up in the Angelus Room so please fill in names as soon as possible. The Plays take place at the 9.30 Mass and costumes and props are provided for all the children.

A very long Advent this year as Christmas Day is on a Sunday. There will be a Mass at 6.30 on Christmas Eve, the first Mass of Christmas, the midnight Mass, and Masses at 9.30 and 11 on Christmas Day.

Dr Christopher Duffy died recently. His Requiem Mass will be in the Church at 2pm on 16th December.

Tuesday is the feast of our Holy Patron St. Nicholas. His relic is kept beneath the altar.

Thursday 8th December is the feast of the Immaculate Conception. It is not a holy day of obligation in England, though it is in some other countries. It was said that in England, with our devotion to Mary, we would come to Mass on this day in any case. There will be the normal morning Mass at 8am and there will be an additional Mass at 6.30pm on Thursday evening.

A lot of schoolwork at present – I am out on the road again this coming week for visits to schools with some of the Greenwich Councillors.

We have not had any Hopkins for some time:

For Christ plays in ten thousand places

Lovely in limbs, and lovely in eyes not his

To the Father through the features of men’s faces.

The Red Arrow buses first appeared in 1966 – to begin with an extensive network but there are now only two routes, the 507 and the 521. They are about to be withdrawn. It will be interesting to see if the electric buses used on these routes are transferred to the 108: the current Citaros on the 108 started life as Red Arrows, replacing the bendy buses.

A prayer, light of the world, Lord Jesus Christ, shine on us that we may walk steadfastly today in the path of life: give light to our minds and warmth to our hearts, so that your light may shine on all we say and do. Amen.

A quick soup: cook some baby peas with some mint: discard the mint and add some

Chicken stock and some double cream. Put it through a liquidiser and adjust the seasoning before serving.

Best wishes to you all

Monsignor Nicholas Rothon

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