Newsletter 31st August 2014
Thank you all for coming to share in this very special day. I have a sense of thanksgiving for the many blessings that I have received – and also a feeling of surprise that somehow I have managed to survive this long. You will know that 46 of the 50 years have been spent here at Blackheath – thank you all for your kindness and support over the years.
In fact the actual day is 30th August but it seemed better to move the celebration to the Sunday. I hope that you have received one of the prayer cards. As you know, I am a part time railwayman. Up to now I have been running on a double yellow: now it is a single yellow and the next one will be a red.
After the 11 am Mass today we will have a shared picnic in the garden and I hope you can come. Nothing too formal but an opportunity to meet everybody and to share some food and wine.
The choir has prepared some special music for the Mass at 11. I have asked my brother to read one of the lessons and my niece to read the second lesson. The great-nephew, and his new sister should be about and you will have a chance to meet them. The boy is now three and starts school this term: his mother is taking a pause from her medical studies to look after her baby daughter.
Thank you for the generous donations to the Myra fund. These have been invested and the first dividend will appear in January. I will be asking the Parish Council for advice on how we can best use it for the benefit of the young people of the parish. I am really very pleased indeed that we have been able to establish this for the future.
Back to work this week with the new term at school and the college as well as a Local Authority meeting on Wednesday. Somehow there is a feeling of autumn in the air – time to drain the pool and put it away for another year.
Thank you all for the forms for Confirmation and First Holy Communions. To date there are about 20 for Confirmation and 30 for First Holy Communion. This is the maximum for a single day and if there are any more, we will need a second day for First Holy Communions in May.
A bit of Keats this week seems appropriate:
Much have I travell’d in realms of gold
And many goodly states and kingdoms seen;
Round many western islands have I been
Which bards in fealty to Apollo hold.
A prayer from St. Anselm:
My Lord and my God, the joy and hope of my heart, I cannot know you fully in this life, but let me grow here in your knowledge and love so that in the world to come I may find the fullness of love and knowledge. Let me live here in joyful hope so that I may come one day to the fulfilment of all hope and joy.
Fifty years ago, the last of the original short Routemasters were being delivered. From 1965 the lengthened version would appear. Who would have through that half a century later, some would still be in service and deliveries of a new generation of Routemasters would be taking place. Any predictions for 50 years’ time? Just possibly I might not be about then.
A special recipe today – I hope that you will allow this. A handful of raspberries from the canes at the end of the garden and some small strawberries. Cover with sugar and chill in the fridge for a while. Serve with some crème fraiche and some sweet white wine.
The first meeting of the Parish Council for the New Year will take place on Tuesday 23rd September at 8pm in the house. I will send out the papers in a couple of weeks. Also a reminder that there will be a meeting for parents with children in the First Communion class at 8pm on Wednesday 17th September at 8pm in the big hall. This is not for the children – it is a preparatory meeting to arrange the details of the classes with the parents.
Wednesday of this week is the feast of St. Gregory the Great, the Pope who sent Augustine to England. The story of Gregory is that he saw some fair hair slaves for sale in Rome. He asked where they came from and was told that they were Angles and replied – not Angles but Angels.
Best wishes to you all
Monsignor Nicholas Rothon
Visits to the sick
If you are going into hospital, please let the Parish Priest know so that if possible a visit can be arranged.
It is possible to bring Holy Communion to the sick and the housebound on a regular basis. Please ask the Parish Priest if you would like to arrange this.Login