newsletter 30th July 2017

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Newsletter 30th July 2017.

Thank you for your generous response to the Mission Appeal last Sunday. I will give you details of the amount contributed at Mass today.

No music at Masses today – the organists and the choir are taking a break until the beginning of September. An opportunity to thank them for all their work during the year – not only on Sundays but for special events such as the First Holy Communions and the Confirmations.

The First Communion forms are beginning to come back – in the first instance I have issued 28 forms as this is the maximum number for the Church on a single Sunday. If there are requests for more, we will need to arrange a second date.

You are welcome to come up to the garden on the warm summer days. Please use the garden gate and remember to keep it closed. Parents are asked to keep a careful eye on children to ensure that they are safe, particularly in the water.

Next Sunday, instead of the normal Sunday Mass, we celebrate the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord.

Not many things to tell you about during the month of August so I can fill up the newsletter with some useful information:

First a recipe: here is an unusual salad. Cut some pieces of fennel into thin slices and mix with some vinaigrette dressing. Shell some hard boiled eggs – remove the yolks and mix with some mayonnaise to make a stiff sauce. Fill the halved whites with this sauce. Add some thin slices of ham and place the eggs around the fennel. To finish sprinkle with some chopped herbs.

A prayer to the Holy Spirit:

Holy Spirit, to whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid; cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit that we may perfectly love you and worthily magnify your holy name: through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Do you know the War Song of Dinas Vawr?

The mountain sheep are sweeter,

But eh valley sheep are fatter;

We therefore deemed it meeter

To carry off the latter.

We made an expedition;

We met a host and quelled it;

We forced a strong position,

And killed the men who held it.

Some busy days at the College in Spain: Monsignor Pardo, after 15 years at the College is returning to his home Diocese of Gibraltar, and the new Rector, Father Paul Farrer is taking over. From here I am quite busy with new banking mandates and explaining the details of the finances.

Some Routemasters outside the Church the other day for wedding guests – including RM2676 – this started life at Hanwell garage in September 1967 – probably for use on route 207 between Shepherd’s Bush and Uxbridge.  This was the original no 7 tram route for London United Tramways and became the 607 trolleybus route in November 1936. The last trolleybuses operated on 8th November 1960. Today the route operates as no 607: a journey from White City to Uxbridge gives a fascinating perspective of different parts of London.

Here is Merton on Solitude Â

You should be able to untether yourself from the world and set yourself free, loosing all the fine strings and strands of tension that bind you, by sight, by sound, by thought, to the presence of others.  (I am not sure if I agree with this!)

The boy and his sister are enjoying their summer break: I hope to see him this week – it is his birthday.

Best wishes to you all,

Monsignor Nicholas Rothon



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