Newsletter 2nd June 2013.
Today we celebrate the feast of Corpus Christi. At one time it was celebrated on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday but now it has been moved to the following Sunday. We give thanks for the Eucharist – the great mystery of faith. On the evening of Maundy Thursday we commemorated the institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper but there were many other things to think about on this evening and now the Easter Season is over, we have a special feast to celebrate the Eucharist.
Friday is the Feast of the Sacred Heart.
Congratulations to all the Children who made their First Holy Communion this year. Two wonderful days with lots of good memories – but we also had a lot of fund in the classes during the year and I know that you have made many friends. And now, fairly soon, to think of the inscription forms for the next set of classes …….
The film club meets this evening at 5pm. This time the film is “The Magnificent Seven”. Recently we renewed he film licence for another year, so remember to come to ensure that we receive full value. I have ordered a new film on the construction of the Victoria Line. I am sure that you will all want to watch it – but I am sorry to say that the release has been delayed until the middle of August.
During the week, we are now taking the Mass texts from the 9th week in Ordinary time.
I am across at Canary Wharf for a meeting on Tuesday so if the Bishop is not here at 10am for a Mass, there will be a Eucharistic Service.
Thanks to all who have helped with the works in the garden in recent weeks. The wall and the new fencing have been completed. The builders told me that virtually everybody in Blackheath Park wanted to add a comment. It was a big job but it should last for many years.
Now a recipe from Spain, from Old Castile. First you will need to fry a chopped onion in some hot oil: add some mince and cook for about ten minutes. Season well. Place in earthenware pots and break an egg over the meat and place in a hot oven until the egg has set. Pour some béchamel sauce over the egg and sprinkle with grated cheese. Put back in the oven until the cheese is brown. Serve with some small pieces of fried bread. (This is real Spanish country cooking.)
Here is Philip Larkin on Whitsun Weddings:
A dozen marriages got under way.
They watched the landscape, sitting side by side
– an Odeon went past, a cooling tower,
And someone running up to bowl – and none
Thought of the others they would never meet
Or how their lives would contain this hour.
I thought of London spread out in the sun,
Its postal districts packed like squares of wheat:
There we were aimed.
We have not had any Gilbert and Sullivan for some time, so here come some Pirates:
With cat-like tread
Upon our prey we steal,
In silence dread
Our cautious way we feel.
No sound at all,
We never speak a word,
A fly’s foot fall
Would be distinctly heard –
—– and here come the policemen
Tarantara, tarantara –
Works continue at London Bridge station with closures and diversions to Cannon Street at many weekends. At one time there were four tracks from London Bridge but these had to be reduced to three when the Networker trains were introduced as there were insufficient clearances for the longer coaches The roof over the station – without a panel of glass due to war damage – remained in place until about 1958. The two towers are all that remain of the old station.
Thanks for all who signed the cards for Cafod – and for those who came to the Coffee morning. We were able to send £91 to the Syrian appeal.
No news of the great nephew for the past few weeks: his mother is busy with her exams at present so he spends a great deal of time with his grandfather. They could play happily all day and already he knows how to wash and polish cars. There is an immaculate Vespa in the garage – but as yet he has not been allowed to ride it.
With best wishes to you all,
Monsignor Nicholas Rothon