Newsletter 25th September 2022

St Mary’s Blackheath

Newsletter 25th September 2022

Sunday Masses: Saturday 6.30pm first Mass of Sunday

– Sunday 9.30 and 11am and 5pm.

Monday to Friday: Mass at 8am.

Saturday 10am and 6.30pm

Confessions: Saturday 12 to 1

Today is the Twenty Sixth Sunday of the Church’s year.

Tuesday is the Feast of St. Vincent de Paul, Thursday the feast of St Michael and the Archangels and Friday the feast of St. Jerome and Saturday the feast of St Therese.

At the 9.30 Mass the Children who are preparing for their First holy Communion next year will share in the Mass in a special way and will receive their crosses. Thanks to all the parents who helped with the class yesterday.

The Confirmation classes are about to start and I will be sending a message to the candidates this coming week.

St. Jerome is well known for his translation of the Scriptures into Latin – the Vulgate version of the Bible.  For much of his life he lived in Bethlehem.  There is a story that he kept a lion which became his pet when he removed a thorn from its paw. In our Church he appears on the Sacred Heart altar and if you look carefully you can see the lion. Lions appear elsewhere – in the stained glass window showing Daniel and as the image of Mark on the old pulpit at the back of the Church.

An unusual recipe from Spain. Cook an onion in some oil, adding a chopped green pepper and some chopped garlic. When they are ready, add a can of drained chick peas, some paprika, a can of peeled tomatoes,  a little wine vinegar and some pepper. Simmer gently until everything is cooked through, adding a little extra liquid if required. Check the flavour and add a little salt before serving.  This stew is good with chorizo.

Chesterton is always good fun:

For there is good news yet to hear

And fine things   to be seen

Before we go to Paradise

By way of Kensal Green.

The quiz question last week about the speed of the train passing through the tunnel on the Woolwich line. My calculation was an average of 31.09 mph. Do you agree?

A prayer to St. Michael:

Everlasting God, who hast ordained and constituted the services of the Angels and men in a wonderful order: mercifully grant that, as thy Holy Angels always do thee service in heaven, so by thy appointment they may succour and defend us on earth; through Jesus Christ Our Lord Amen.

The boy and his sister are now back at school enjoying the new term.  They are at different schools – he is now in year 7 and his sister is in year 5.  She has become a very enthusiastic footballer but her brother disdains this as he plays rugger.

In the coming weeks I will have to start putting on the heating in the Church – I will set it at 17 degrees – not too hot but enough to take off the chill. I dread to think what the costs will be! Please help by making sure that the doors are kept closed and not hooking them open.

A busy week ahead with three funerals as well as a meeting in London on Wednesday.  I am sure that many of you are busy at present catching up after the summer days.  It is hard to get used to the dark mornings once again and the shorter evenings.  I have been cleaning up some of the garden in recent weeks and will be planting some daffodil bulbs. The only problem is that the animals dig them up and eat them.

Best wishes

Monsignor Nicholas Rothon

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