newsletter 24th July 2016

Newsletter 24th July 2016.

Today is the Seventeenth Sunday in the Church’s year.

A holiday for the organists and the choirs for the time being. The music will be taken up again at the beginning of September.

Monday is the feast of the Apostle, St. James, the patron of Spain.

Next Sunday there will the annual Mission appeal. This year it is on behalf of the Verona Fathers.  The visiting priest will say the Mass on Saturday evening and at 11 and 7.30 on Sunday and I will say the 9.30 Mass on Sunday.

Time already to think about First Holy Communion classes for 2017. I have put out some inscription forms today and would be grateful if they could be returned promptly. There will be a meeting for parents in mid-September and classes will start at the beginning of October. Generally, children should be about 7 years of age.

Also I am setting to work on arranging Confirmation classes fairly soon. I hope that I can arrange for the Bishop to come in May or early June next year to administer the Sacrament of Confirmation. Usually candidates are aged about 13-14.

A note please for the young people. You are welcome to take out a football to play in the garden but please take a moment it to return to the box in the Angelus Room when you have finished. The foxes like to chew them so it is necessary to put them away. I have bought a new net for the goal it is being soaked in turpentine at present. I understand that this will deter the foxes. I hope that it will work.

A few doubts and hesitations as to whether the work at London Bridge Station will be completed by the end of August. The new escalators and lifts on the platforms are now in and the screens are in place around the escalator shafts.  At present it is not possible to see whether the work to the new underground concourse has been completed. Also there is quite a lot of track work to be completed to join up the new platforms lines. My conversations with the drivers tell me that most of the new signalling has been commissioned.

Work has now started on the renovations to the lower flat at no 4 Cresswell Park. This is the last of my major projects to renovate the parish properties. I am not sure how long it will take but it will probably last into the autumn.

The coach has now been booked for the pilgrimage to Aylesford on 3rd September. Hazel asks that those who have signed up to provide payment by the end of July if possible. Please contact her on about arrangements for payment. There may also be some spare places but let her know as soon as possible if you would like to go.

A good salad for the summer. Dice some new potatoes and put them in a little cream.  Cover the bottom of a dish with sliced tomatoes. Shred some parsley over the tomatoes. Place the potatoes on to of this and cover with some watercress. Season with black pepper, sea salt, some olive oil and wine vinegar.

A prayer for today:

Eternal God, grant to us this day and every day such readiness and delight in following Christ, that whether our lives are short or long, we shall live abundantly.

Just room for a verse from Puck’s song:

And see you, after rain, the trace

Of mound and ditch and wall?

O that was a Legion’s camping place

When Caesar sailed from Gaul.

Best wishes to you all

Monsignor Nicholas Rothon.


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