Newsletter 24th January 2016
Newsletters are written well in advance. By the time that you read this, I hope that I will have returned safely from my visit to Sanlucar de Barrameda in the South of Spain. Our ancient English Chapel in the town was founded in 1517 so part of the purpose of our visit was to prepare for a special celebration next year. The land for the chapel was given to the English merchants in the town by the Duke of Medina Sidonia. One of his heirs was to be the Grand Admiral of the Spanish Armada – but this is another story.
The Liturgy Group meets on Monday evening at 8pm – this is the postponed meeting from 11th January.
The Parish Council meets on Wednesday evening at 8pm. Envelopes with agendas are available today.
The football goal is now in place in the garden. This was purchased from the Myra Fund at the request of some of the young people. Also there should be some new footballs. Please take care to ensure that they are not kicked out of the garden and return them to the Angelus Room after use. Also a box of dinosaurs for the little ones to play with. Another pot of money will be coming at the end of the month from the fund – the rules are that it must be used for the benefit of the young people of the parish. Have you any ideas? Please let me know.
Do you remember my question a couple of weeks ago concerning a left handed member of the kitchen staff in Downton Abbey? Lucy checked it back and the answer is Daisy, the assistant cook.
I am very pleased to see that the first buds are appearing on the cherry tree outside the house. You will recall that this was planted by the First Communion group last year. Also the Magnolia tree from the year before has survived the winter. The roses were all cut back at the end of the season last year but are beginning to grow once again.
Andrew has enjoyed his stay here. He will be returning to the College in Spain at the end of this week.
Saints this week: Tuesday is the feast of Saints Timothy and Titus, the companions of Paul to whom he sent the Pastoral Epistles. It was said that Timothy was an ideal helper to Paul but he found it very difficult when he had to take responsibility himself. Thursday is the feast of St. Thomas Aquinas.
And now the recipe. Cut some bacon into small pieces and sauté in some butter. Cook some button mushrooms in some oil and butter. Chop some garlic and some parsley and add to the mushrooms and continue to fry gently for about a minute. Then add some green olives and the cooked bacon and seasoning to taste. Serve very hot. This goes well either as a first dish or served with meat.
Longfellow tries hard, so here are some of his lines from The Wreck of the Hesperus:
Colder and colder blew the wind
A gale from the north-east;
The snow fell hissing in the brine
And the billows frothed like yeast.
It is most interesting to travel over the new lines at London Bridge. The new platforms are taking shape and should be in use by the summer. There will be two up and two down platforms, which will be a great help for time-keeping. At present the central part of the old station is being demolished. There is a splendid view of Borough High Street from the new bridge. There is a tight curve as you leave the station: there is an advance repeater signal as the colour light is hidden by the curve.
A prayer for today:
Lord Jesus, accept our prayers and guide and protect your Church. May we receive your word in faith and may our hearts be open to do your will. Strengthen our hope and increase our faith.
I hope that you are all keeping well and surviving the winter days. Only a few more weeks and there will be the first signs of spring.
Best wishes to you all,
Monsignor Nicholas Rothon
Visits to the sick
If you are going into hospital, please let the Parish Priest know so that if possible a visit can be arranged.
It is possible to bring Holy Communion to the sick and the housebound on a regular basis. Please ask the Parish Priest if you would like to arrange this.Login