Newsletter 23rd June 2019
Today we are pleased to welcome Bishop Lynch at the 11am Mass to administer the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Congratulations and best wishes to the young people in the Confirmation group and thanks to all who have helped with the classes.
I hope that the weather will be fine so that we can have a celebration in the garden after the Mass.
Today is the feast of Corpus Christi. At one time it was kept on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday but it has now been moved to the following Sunday. At the Mass of the Last Supper on Maundy Thursday we commemorate the institution of the Eucharist but there are many other things to think about on this evening. And so we have a special feast once the Easter season is completed to celebrate the great mystery of faith.
Monday of this week is the feast of the birth of St. John the Baptist and Friday is the feast of the Sacred Heart.
This year the feast of the apostles Peter and Paul will be celebrated next Sunday, 30th June, transferred from the usual date of 29th June.
On other days this week the Mass will be for the 12th week in ordinary time.
Here is a little summer dish. Slice some courgettes and sprinkle lightly with salt. Drain them and pat them dry. Cook them in a little butter with a bouquet garni. Make a Béchamel sauce and whisk in some cream, an egg yolk and some lemon juice. Return to the heat and pour over the courgettes just before serving.
We must have some Lewis Carroll from time to time:
He thought he saw a Buffalo
Upon the chimney piece
He looked again, and found it was
His sister’s husband’s niece.
Unless you leave this house, he said
I’ll send for the Police!
And a prayer for today:
For all the saints,
Who went before us
Who have spoken to our hearts
And touched us with your fire,
We praise you, O God.
Various works will be taking place during the coming months. We need to redecorate the exterior of the house. Also later in the summer we will be renewing the lavatories are the front of the big hall. I hope that everything can be kept smart and clean.
The First Communion tree in the garden has received careful attention. From time to time it seems to droop but I give it a good drink with the hose and it seems to recover. The trees from earlier years are now all well established.
Memories from the past: 5th July 1952 was the last day of the old London trams – though they have since come back in Croydon. In this modern age, it might be possible that the electric tram will come back into favour, and once again at Lee Green, cars will change from overhead current collection to a conduit slot in the centre of the tracks.
I hope that all has gone well with school exams and that you are looking forward to the summer days.
Best wishes to you all,
Monsignor Nicholas Rothon