Newsletter 22nd January 2017.
Today is the Third Sunday in ordinary time.
Tuesday is the feast of St. Francis de Sales and Wednesday is the feast of the Conversion of St. Paul.
I am off to Spain again on Tuesday morning for a couple of days. I have already explained to you that we are celebrating the 500th anniversary of the foundation of the English Church at Sanlucar de Barrameda. Two days of festivities with Bishop Drainey from England coming to celebrate a Mass and the Spanish Bishop and the civil authorities coming on the following day. At present the legal ownership of the property is registered in my name so I am pleased to be able to attend.
This will mean that there will not be the normal Masses on Tuesday to Friday this coming week. No early Mass on Tuesday and Thursday, but if the Bishop is not available, I hope to be able to arrange a Eucharistic Service on Wednesday and Friday If all goes well I should be back safely by Friday afternoon.
A reminder for the day for readers that we are arranging on the afternoon of Saturday 4th February. Some general information on reading – the structure of the lectionary and the liturgical calendar as well as some practical tips.
Everybody seems to be pleased with the new heating pump in the Church – it feelso be much warmer and the Church heats up quickly. I should have replaced the old pump years ago.
The crib was taken down and stored away in record time – but it takes some time to collect the needles from the tree – several goes with the vacuum clear but there always seem to be some that I have missed. Maria has been looking at the costumes from the plays, making sure that there are clean and ironed and making any necessary repairs. It is my task to mend the helmets for the soldiers.
Something I made the other day you might like to try – heat some butter in a pan, season a chicken breast with salt and pepper and cook gently until it is well browned on both sides. Remove the meat, and add a dash of wine and some crème fraiche to the pan and stir well to make a sauce. Pour over the chicken. This goes well with some long grain rice.
I am disappointed to find the flights from London City to Madrid have been cancelled and for all my travels, I have to go to Heathrow. This adds a couple of hours to the journey. I am reluctant to try Gatwick due to the uncertainty of rail travel at present. This will have an effect if you would like to come to the College with me in the autumn. Many people have an intense dislike of Terminal 5.
A prayer for today:
I offer you Lord, my thoughts to be fixed on you: my words to have you for their theme; my actions to reflect my love for you; and all things to be lived for your greater glory. Amen.
Something from St. Francis de Sales today: One of the best exercises of gentleness is to be patient with ourselves and our imperfections. Though it is reasonable to be displeased and sorry when we fall into faults, it should be without bitterness or anger. It is a great fault to be angry with oneself.
The income for Myra Fund is due to arrive any day. I will be pleased to have some suggestions on how it should be used. You will remember the rules – it is for the benefit of the young people of this parish and it must be used in the year that it is received.
Just room to mention the boy. He is back at school now: slightly puzzled when his father was reading – Five go to Brexit Island- as it did not seem to match the other stories that had read. His mother is working hard for her final exams. And special prayers for baby of one of their friends – only four months old but very sick.
Kindest wishes to you all,
Monsignor Nicholas Rothon.