newsletter 22 December 2019

St. Mary’s,


Newsletter: 22nd December 2019

Mass times: Saturday: 6.30pm (first Mass of Sunday)

Sunday: 9.30 and 11am and 7.30pm

Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 10am

Tuesday, and Thursday, 7.30am

Eucharistic Service: Tuesday 10am

Confessions: Saturday 12 to 1pm

Today is the fourth Sunday of Advent. At the 9.30 Mass, the children will perform the first part of the cycle of mystery plays.

Here are the details of the Christmas services:

The procession to the Heath organised by Churches Together in Blackheath will start from outside the Church at 4.30pm.

There will be a Mass at 6.30pm. This covers your Christmas obligation.

The church will be open from 11pm and there will be a service of readings and carols at 11.30pm, followed by Mass at 12 midnight.

On Christmas Day there will be a Mass at 9.30am and the children will perform the second part of the cycle of mystery plays. There will be a solemn Mass at 11am.

During the rest of the week the morning Masses will be at 10am – there will not be a 7.30am Mass on Thursday.

This coming week, Thursday is the feast of St. Stephen, Friday the feast of St. John and Saturday the feast of the Holy Innocents.

Next Sunday we keep the feast of the Holy Family.

I hope that you enjoy the quiz: great fun putting it together. As always my sister in law is the champion. She knows the way my mind works and is able to guess the answers in record time.

The photographs used for the article on the “Vulnerata” are displayed in the Angelus Room.

No railway duties this year. The line is still under repair between Alton and Medsted so it is not possible to run a full train service. The works are due to be completed in February and I hope that normal duties can be reinstated next year.

As a post-Christmas recipe, here are my full instructions for bread and butter pudding. Butter some slices of bread, remove the crusts, cut them into triangles and place in a baking dish. Add a substantial handful of currants and mix them with the bread slices. Make a pint of egg custard and pour over the bread. Bake in a medium oven until the bread is browned. Serve with a spoonful of crème fraiche. My brother thinks that this is a good warming pudding for a winter’s day.

A Christmas prayer:

O God, who made this most hallowed night resplendent with the glory of the true Light; grant that we who have known the mysteries of that Light on earth may enter into the fullness of his joys in heaven. Amen

Carol Ann Duffy is always entertaining. Here she is on Mrs. Darwin.

Went to the Zoo.

I said to him –

Something about that Chimpanzee over there reminds me of you.

I hope that you all have a happy and enjoyable Christmas and with blessings and best wishes for the New Year.

Monsignor Nicholas Rothon.


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