newsletter 20th August 2017

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Newsletter 20th August 2017.

The summer days are passing quickly and not long before we start to think of a new term at school – or for some, going up to university.

Thursday of this week is the feast of St. Bartholomew – he is counted as one of the apostles – not one of the original twelve but he had a great influence in the early Church – finding Paul and introducing him to the others – he is described in the book of the Acts as “a good man and full of faith”.

Today would be the feat of St. Bernard. There is a great statue of him in the Church at Vezelay in Burgundy, setting off to preach another crusade.  He is renowned as the founder of the Cistercian order and also for condemning Abelard.  Generally, nowadays many historians consider that his interventions in public events were disastrous.

A reminder to return the forms for the First Communion classes as soon as possible.

Work is due to start on the Angelus Room on 4th September. It is anticipated that it will take about three weeks and during this period, the Room will not be available during the week. We hope to eradicate the problem with rising damp and the floor covering will be renewed. Also the time has come for a redecoration.

Gradually, I have been clearing away the garden beds beside the Church and house – a mound of leaves and pine needles. In a few weeks’ time I hope to be able to plant some bulbs so that next spring, there will be a clump of flowers. Several years ago, there were lots of flowers but the animals seem to have dug them up.  The one tomato plant seems to be doing well and this encourages me to plant some more.

The boy has been enjoying his holiday with his sister – she is a great enthusiast for Pippa Pig – but when this becomes too much, he retreats so that he can enjoy a further volume of Harry Potter.Â

We have not had anything from Alexander Pope for some time: here are some lines from “The Dunciad”.

Some demon stole my pen (forgive the offence)

And once betrayed me into common sense;

Else all my prose and verse were much the same;

This prose on stilts, that poetry fall’n lame.

A prayer for the older people in the parish: Dear Lord, you made the whole of life to be lived and enjoyed, so bless older people.  Grant them all that they need for friendship, comfort and occupation. Above all give them zest for life and peace in their hearts: through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Here is something very unusual indeed. Cook some parsnips in their skins very thoroughly and turn into a puree. Season with salt and pepper and if possible a little grated ginger root. Thin if necessary with a little oil and some of the cooking liquid. Put into individual pots with half a hard-boiled egg on top. Strew with breadcrumbs and a little more olive oil and brown in a hot over for about 10 minutes.

Work continues on the railway in preparation for the big close down at the end of the month. If you look closely, there are still many places where the third rail, to provide the electric current for trains has to be installed.  In many places relays for the signalling equipment have been placed between the tracks: the signals are not in use as yet and the lights are covered over.

I don’t think we have ever had any Joyce: here is Stephen Dedalus  starting at school. “the tablecloth was damp and limp. But he drank off the hot weak tea which the clumsy scullion, girt with a white apron, poured into his cup. He wondered whether the scullion’s apron was damp too, or whether all white things were cold and damp.”

Best wishes to you all,

Monsignor Nicholas Rothon



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