Newsletter 1st February 2015
Today the First Sunday of February. There will be the usual Latin Mass at 11am.
Monday is the feast of the Presentation, otherwise known as Candlemas Day. It commemorates the presentation of the child Jesus in the temple at Jerusalem forty days after his birth. At the beginning of Mass we bless the candles that will be used in the Church during the coming year.
First Communion classes have come round again. There is a lot to fit in before May. The meeting for the parents to plan the class is at 8am on Monday in the house and the class is in the hall on Saturday morning at 10am.
There is a second collection today to support the work of the Catholic Education Council.
Thursday is the feast of St. Agatha and on Friday we commemorate the martyrs of Japan.
The gardening group meet for the first time this year on Saturday. I think that the members have received an email.
There is a possibility that some bee hives will be returning to the garden. The great advantage is that the bees will help to pollenate the flowers and the fruit trees. Also a possibility that there may be some pots of honey.
Today it is appropriate to quote Eliot’s “Song for Simeon”.
Now at this birth season of decease,
Let the Infant, the still unspeaking and unspoken Word,
Grant Israel’s consolation
To one who has eighty years and no to-morrow.
(Thanks to John for a splendid edition of the Ariel poems)
It is not only Downton which causes problems. Some splendid cars and a fine RT bus appeared in Foyle’s War. However there was a serious mistake in the last episode. The bus showed destination blinds for route 77A. A little research would have confirmed that RTs did not appear on this route until 7th October 1953.
An Education Meeting at Lewisham Town Hall on Wednesday evening. Also possibly at meeting at Greenwich on Thursday afternoon but details have still to be confirmed.
Easter is fairly early this year – 5th April – so Lent starts in mid-February. There are still some Palm leaves left over from last year and I will use these to prepare the ashes for Ash Wednesday.
Here is a recipe from Spain. Sprinkle some lemon juice over some sliced mushrooms and some crushed garlic. Heat some oil and cook the crushed garlic and also half a chopped red chili over a high heat for a moment. Reduce the heat and add the mushrooms, season and cook gently. Stir in a little sliced garlic and some chopper parsley. Place in an earthenware bowl and allow to cool. A portion of this might be served in a bar with a glass of tinto.
And a prayer:
Merciful an0d ever loving God, lighten our eyes with hope, and lead us joyfully in the way of your commandments so that we may praise your holy name. Amen.
More news of the great nephew – his grandpa took him to the Bluebell Railway – again – and he was the only boy allowed on the footplate of the steam engine. Great hopes for the future.
And here is Mr Pooter entertaining his friend Lupin:
In spite of my instructions, the blanc-mange was brought up again for supper. To make matters worse, there had been an attempt to disguise it, by placing it in a glass dish with jam round it. Carrie asked Lupin if he would have some and he replied: “No second hand goods for me, thank you.”
Best wishes to you all,
Monsignor Nicholas Rothon