Newsletter 18th February 2024
Sunday Masses: Saturday 6.30pm first Mass of Sunday
Sunday 9.30 and 11am and 5pm.
Monday to Friday: Mass at 8am.
Saturday 10am and 6.30pm
Confessions: Saturday 12 to 1
Today is the first Sunday of Lent. The purple vestments appear once again, we do not recite the Gloria at Mass and we do not use the Alleluia verse again until Easter Sunday.
A time of prayer and penance as we prepare for the celebration of Easter.
As a Lenten devotion there will be Stations of the Cross in the Church this evening at 4.15pm.
During the coming week, the Masses will be of the Lenten season, with the exception of Thursday, which is the Feast of the Chair of Peter the Apostle.
Friday is the Lenten Fast Day for Cafod. Some envelopes are available today and you will be able to return your donations next weekend.
The Archbishop has asked today for donations for the Clergy Support Fund. I have left out some envelopes if you would like to make a donation.
Busy in recent days making preparations for a visit to the College in Spain for a few days at the beginning of March. There is a lot to be done – preparing the papers and items that I need to review with the Rector. As always I very much enjoy a visit to the College.
I know that you have had this recipe before, but a good Lenten dish is leek and potato soup. I use some large potatoes cut into chunks and a pack of leeks. Stew gently in a mixture – half milk and half water under they are soft. Add plenty of pepper, may be a little more liquid and pass through the liquidizer. It goes well with some chunky bread.
It is worth quoting the Gawain poet at this time:
After Crystenmasse com the crabben Lentoun, that fraystes flesh with the fysche and fode more simple.
(You might remember this from part one of the Tripos.)
Some new lights have been installed in the garden to replace the lamp posts, which have ceased to work. The wiring was underground and was affected by damp. I hope that the new lights will work well.
At long last the new trains are entering service on the South Western Railway. The last of the thirty City Beam units will now come across to the South Eastern.
Plenty of spring flowers in the garden this year: the winter has been mild, and they have thrived. I will start on the pots of herbs soon. Also, I am looking for some leaves on the fig tree: maybe there could be some fruit this year.
Any interest in the old trampoline? It still has some life in it and would survive for some time with lesser use.
A prayer for the children of our parish:
Lord, be near to all our children and keep them safe from all harm; help their parents to have a sure knowledge of thy love to guide their children with courage and faith.
( I pray also for the boy and his sister.)
Best wishes to you all,
Monsignor Nicholas Rothon.