St Mary’s Blackheath
Newsletter 17th September 2023
Sunday Masses: Saturday 6.30pm first Mass of Sunday
– Sunday 9.30 and 11am and 5pm.
Monday to Friday: Mass at 8am.
Saturday 10am and 6.30pm
Confessions: Saturday 12 to 1
Today is the Twenty Fourth Sunday of the Chruch’s year.
Thursday is the feast of the Apostle Saint Matthew. He is the author of the first of the four gospels.
The Wives’ Fellowship will be coming to the Church for a service at 11am on Tuesday.
The past couple of weeks of warm weather have been very enjoyable and it was good to welcome so many young people to enjoy the garden. I delayed emptying the pool but I will have to put this in hand soon before the autumn days.
Thanks to the parents who came to the meeting to prepare the First Communion classes. We look forward to seeing you at the First Class on 23rd September.
Various work works have been taking place on the properties in recent days. I am trying to see it we can find a way to repair the lamp in the step leading up to the Church – it is not easy. Also we need to attend to some crumbling stonework in the Church porch: very expensive!
A meeting of the Governors of Christ the King College this week. Over the years many members of the parish have given outstanding service as Governors of the College. A request from the Principal to see if anybody would like to be considered for appointment as a Governor. Please let me know and I can advise you further.
Something I tried recently: it is known as a menestra de legumbres in Spain: in a large pot add some chopped onions, some peppers and some tomatoes. I also added a can of drained asparagus spears and a can of artichoke hearts. Season as required and bake very gently until everything is soft.
With the warm autumn days, I tried a second crop of parsley in the tray outside the garden. It seems to have worked well. Also I monitor the fig tree carefully and there are now nine sprouts.
Thaks to Ali and Floss and Henry for the new football goal. It appeared by magic night. Also the big trampoline is beginning to show its age. It is the most popular item in the garden and I think it is about 15 years old so it has served us well. A new one would cost £799 – I have £450 in the Angelus fund – I do not usually ask for anything – but would anyone be able to help? If ordered now the new would be here by December. Also – would anybody be interested in the present one when it is taken out of service?
A prayer: Grant us, ,Lord, the spirit to think and so such things as be rightful, that we, who cannot do anything that is good without you, may be enabled by you to live according to your will: through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
A note to mention that one of the electric buses, fleet number Se6 has appeared on the 108 from time to time but the total renewal has not taken place.
One of the best of lines from Andrew Marvell:
But at my back I always hear
Time’ winged chariot hurrying near;
And yonder all before us lie,
Deserts of vast eternity
Best wishes to you all
Monsignor Nicholas Rothon