Newsletter Sunday 17th November 2013.
Today we are very pleased to welcome Father Michael Usher. He was ordained earlier this year as a priest for the Diocese of Menevia and now works in a parish in Swansea. We know him well – he first came as a student when he was at the College in Spain and also came back last year when he was a Deacon, studying at the Beda College in Rome. He will celebrate some of the Masses today and will be able to give you his blessing.
Next Sunday is the Feast of Christ the King. There will be an evening service at 6.30pm with a period of exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.
On Tuesday I travel to Paris for a meeting of the Trust at the Catholic University. A most enjoyable day – by now the Christmas decorations are beginning to appear on the rue de Rennes. In doors, French College buildings can be stiflingly hot but chilly outside so there is a need to find a comfortable café to read my notes before the meeting.
If the Bishop is not available, there will be a Eucharistic service on Tuesday.
To the Children’s Society on Wednesday with a school meeting in the evening and to Greenwich Town Hall on Thursday evening, so life is very full.
Thanks to those who were able to come to the special Mass last Friday evening at Charlton with the Archbishop. It was a very special occasion.
I am very much aware of the need for some additional Eucharistic Ministers and there have been several offers for help. Due to many duties – particularly with instructions for marriages and for those who wish to be received into the Church, the evenings seem to have been very full for many weeks. However there is an urgent need to begin the instructions for the new Ministers. I therefore propose to hold the first meeting at 8pm on Friday 22nd in the house. It would be appreciated if all who have offered to help could attend.
The two regular Eucharistic Ministers at the 8am Mass are no longer available – Barbara has now moved away and Mae is at university so for the time being it will no longer be possible to offer the chalice at the 8am Mass.
Friday is the feast of St. Cecilia. Little is know about her, although her name appears in the Roman Canon. Probably she was a Roman Martyr in the 3rd century. She is the patron of musicians. This comes from the antiphon in the writings know as her ’Acts’. “Whilst the organ played at her wedding feast, Cecilia sang in her heart to God”.
The new Routemasters have appeared on route 9, operated by RATP which is the parent company for Paris transport. Everything is not going well – the other day I noted the bus with the Fleet number 77 awaiting repair after it had broken down in Cockspur street.
A recipe from Normandy today. Slice an onion and cook it in some butter until it turns yellow. Add a bunch of sorrel, chopped and with the stalks removed and continue to cook slowly until it turns dark. Add a large cubed potato, some chicken stock and seasoning and cook very slowly for about 30 minutes. Puree the liquid, correct the seasoning and serve with a spoonful of cream.
And now some Coleridge:
I fear thee ancient mariner!
I fear thy skinny hand!
And thou are long, and lank, and brown
As is the ribbed sea sand.
I fear thee and thy glittering eye,
And thy skinny had, so brown.-
Fear not, fear not, thou Wedding Guest!
This body dropt not down.
Time for a prayer:
O God, strength of those who walk with thee, without whom nothing is safe, nothing is tranquil, confirm in us the knowledge of thy presence, that, thou being our companion in the way, we may so deal with our anxieties that at length our hearts may find their rest in thee, through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
A word of thanks for donations in the poor box in recent weeks. The greater part has been put towards helping children at the school who would otherwise find it difficult to go on the school journey. We are well on the way to finding the total that is required.
Best wishes to you all
Monsignor Nicholas Rothon