Newsletter 15th June 2014
Today, at the end of the Paschal season, we celebrate the feast of the Most Holy Trinity.
There is a second collection today for the National Catholic Fund which helps to meet the expenses of the administration of the Church in England and Wales.
Next Sunday is the feast of Corpus Christi – it has been transferred from the previous Thursday – at one time the feast was kept on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday.
On weekdays, the Mass is from the 11th week in ordinary time. The Scripture readings are taken from the second cycle.
Friday is the feast of St Alban, the first martyr in England. He is the patron of our College in Spain and his statue presides over the high altar in the chapel.
The Parish Council meets at 8pm on Thursday. Envelopes with agendas are available today.
Year five from St. Matthew Academy will be coming to Mass at 10am on Thursday.
On Tuesday evening to the Painted Hall on the Old Naval College and Greenwich for the inauguration of the new Mayor, Councillor Mick Hayes. I have worked with him for many years as Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and I am delighted that he has been appointed as Mayor.
School meetings on Monday and Wednesday evenings so quite a full week.
The trampoline has proved to be most popular and I hope that it will survive intensive use. Rules are no more than two big or three small children at a time and take your shoes off before you start bouncing. Also the pool is very popular now that it is beginning to warm up. I am learning how to use the vacuum brush to clean the bottom of the pool. The important thing is to make sure that there are no air locks in the pipes – and this takes some doing.
The new Boris buses are now operating on route 10. Fleet no. LT 150 was delivered recently and is painted in a special silver livery with notices to say that it is one of the most advanced buses in the world. As yet very few come south of the river though one route comes to Camberwell Green.
Monday is the commemoration of St. Richard of Chichester, who died in 1283, and so here is his prayer:
Thanks be to thee, my Lord Jesus Christ, for all the benefits and blessings which thou has given to me, for all the pains and insults thou hast borne for me, O most merciful Friend, Brother and Redeemer; may I know thee more clearly love thee more dearly and follow thee more nearly.
With a new baby on the way, the great nephew is spending some time with his grandfather. They live in Sussex so a regular treat is a trip on the Bluebell Railway. He is very enthusiastic – not long now before he will be wanting to start work as train crew. He might even begin to learn to drive one of the engines.
The former King of Spain once released a quarter of political prisoners, which inevitably lead to a headline “Juan to free four”.
A recipe from Andalusia. Chop an onion finely and fry gently in some olive oil, add some rice and cook for a minute or two and then add two glasses of sweet sherry. Lower the heat and add some chicken stock and cook on a low heat for about two minutes. Add some salt and some lumps of butter before serving. This goes well with cold meat.
Something now from Brother Roger:
Being able to see, feel and experience that the Spirit lives in me is not required of me. What is asked of me is that I believe in the Holy Spirit, that in Trust in him, that I abandon myself to him. Far from being yet another demand made on me, this call to faith sets me free. Yes, joyful renunciation does exist. Am I ready to love? I don’t know, I accept not knowing and give up my desperate attempts to assure myself of it. I will take seriously the promise of Christ “I will not leave you orphaned”.
Best wishes to you all
Monsignor Nicholas Rothon
Visits to the sick
If you are going into hospital, please let the Parish Priest know so that if possible a visit can be arranged.
It is possible to bring Holy Communion to the sick and the housebound on a regular basis. Please ask the Parish Priest if you would like to arrange this.Login