Newsletter 14th July 2013
Today is the Fifteenth Sunday in ordinary time.
There is a second collection today for the Apostleship of the Sea which supports the work of the port chaplaincies.
Thank you for your generous for the Mission Appeal last Sunday.
Thank you also to those who came to the Parish AGM last Wednesday. A list of the members of the Parish Council is given in the porch.
Monday is the feast of St. Swithun – he was Bishop of Winchester and died in 862 – I hope that it will not rain on this day. In 971 his relics were moved to the Cathedral and there was a very heavy rainfall which was attributed to his intercession.
Class 5W from St. Matthew’s will come to the 11am Mass on Thursday. On Friday there will be a special Mass for year 6. Some will be staying on and moving to the Upper School whilst others will be moving to new schools.
Gradually the weather has become warmer and the pool has had some use on Sundays. Also I hope that the young people enjoy the new frame in the garden. Lots of though went into this – including a consultation with some of the children. It was quite fun putting it together: I started on my own, and then Jim came to help, and after a lot of debate and a number of false starts we decided to read the instructions. It looks as if everything is in the right order but let me know if you spot any mistakes.
A simple recipe this week. Cook some potatoes and cut into quarters. Fry them in a pan with some chopped spring onions and a handful of chopped herbs. Beat some eggs and add some pepper. Add the eggs to the pan and cook slowly until it all sets. Put some feta cheese on top and brown under a grill.
The old station at London Bridge is almost demolished now. The building with the brown metal walls and the original cover for the bus station was constructed in 1970. There is a BTC film describing the new construction. The only part remaining at present is the bridge between the platforms. This replaced two elderly and narrow bridges. At one time there was cross platform interchange between Charing Cross and Cannon Street trains at platforms 5 and 6 but this came to an end when the new bridge was built.
A lot of work in the garden in recent weeks and thanks to all who have helped. I am keeping a careful watch on my herb garden. The basil that I have grown from seed is ready to plant out and I will put some netting over it to protect it from the birds. I have harvested the red currants and was able to make a small jar of jelly. The rhubarb is growing again some a further chance to make some jam.
A prayer for our families:
Lord, we ask you to bestow on our families the riches of your blessing. With the gift of your grace, sanctify us all, so that faithful to your commandments, we may care for one another, ennoble the world by our lives and reach the home that you have prepared for us in heaven. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
You will have noted a missing radiator in the Church. There were reports of some small pools of water on the floor and we decided to look at it. At first there was a fear that one of the pipes had been punctured but we soon found that one of the panel radiators had rusted through. The best solution is a new radiator. Originally the Church was heated from underground pipes but to improve the temperature, the panels were added, probably in the 1960s. I hope this is an isolated incident – there are five others to watch.
Next Sunday a final day for the two choirs before the summer break: I understand that there will be something special. Thanks to all who have worked so hard. The standard of music in our parish is very high – which is quite unusual compared with some other places.
And a bit more of Lepanto once again:
Don John pounding from the slaughter painted poop,
Purpling all the ocean like a bloody pirate’s sloop
Scarlet running over on the silvers and the golds
Breaking of the hatches up and bursting of the holds,
Thronging of the thousands up that labour under sea
White for bliss and blind for sun and stunned for liberty.
Best wishes to you all
Monsignor Nicholas Rothon