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Newsletter 13th November 2011.
Today is Remembrance Sunday. The Mass at 11am will be a Requiem for those who died in the World Wars and for conflicts since then. There will be a silence at the beginning of the Mass.
There is a second collection today for the Archbishop’s Administration Fund.
Next Sunday is the Feast of Christ the King, the last Sunday in the Liturgical year.
On Tuesday I travel to Paris for a meeting at the Institut Catholique. I will not be available for Mass at 10 so I am asking the Eucharistic Ministers to help as usual. Already at this time the Christmas decorations are up in Paris and a crisp autumn day can be most enjoyable. Too cold to sit in the Luxembourg Gardens but good to share the fug in the café outside San Sulpice. Always, the Metro has a unique smell.
The First Communion classes are proceeding well and the children are enjoying them greatly. They will be sharing in the 9.30 Mass in a special way today. Thanks to the parents for all their help.
I have to attend a meeting of the Children’s Society at Purley on Wednesday afternoon and then dash back for a Finance meeting at Christ the King College at 6.30. Adoption has received a great deal of attention in recent weeks and we have a special role to play as one of the major adoption agencies. If you might he thinking of an adoption, please let me know and I can put you in touch with the Society.
Two saints of England are commemorated this week, St Edmund of Abingdon and St. Hugh of Lincoln. Hugh had a most difficult time when his appointment as Bishop was opposed, but he showed great patience and gentleness and was recognised as a saint.
I thought that the new bridge over Borough High Street had been completed, but further work is taking place to add some external panels to the sides. Also look out for the works for the extension of the Overground line, just beyond the Power Station on the way to London Bridge.
The garden is settling down for the winter: most of the leaves have come down and we cut back the roses. I am wondering if my herb garden will survive. The indoor basil plant withered away after about a month, though the orchid, from the summer of 2010 is in flower once again. Lots of berries on the holly once again: does this mean a very cold winter?
The recipe this week is a soup from Valencia. You will need a piece of chorizo, some smoked ham, parsley, thyme, a bay leaf, an onion. Fry the onion in some lard and then put everything into some salted water and cook slowly. After about 15 minutes add some rice and continue to cook slowly, adding some more water if necessary. Leave to stand before serving. It should be quite thick.
A prayer from Cardinal Newman:
Lord, support us all the day long, till the shadows lengthen and the evening comes, and the busy world is hushed, and the fever of life is over, and our work is done. Then in your mercy grant us a safe lodging and a holy rest, and peace at last.
Some more news about the great-nephew. At three months he is already out of baby-grows and his father is beginning to read to him. He looks at everybody with a firm, enquiring expression. I am sure he will win at Scrabble this Christmas.
We had some Lewis Carroll the other week, but I thought you would like some more:
He though he saw a Kangaroo
That worked a coffee-mill:
He looked again and found it was
A Vegetable-Pill.
‘Were I to swallow this’ he said,
‘I should be very ill.’
If any of the Readers or Eucharistic Ministers would like a life to the Day of Recollection at Streatham on Saturday 19th November, please contact Mary Scott ( 8852 5509).
A note from the College in Spain and I am pleased to tell you that we will be having another student on a placement during January.
Best wishes to you all
Monsignor Nicholas Rothon