newsletter 13th December 2017

Newsletter Sunday 17th December 2017

Today, the third Sunday of Advent is also known as Gaudete Sunday from the first word of the Latin introit – rejoice in the Lord.

At the 9.30 Mass today, the children will perform the first part of our cycle of mystery plays – part two on Christmas day and part three on 7th January.

You will be planning your Christmas celebrations so here is a reminder of the services in the Church.

On Christmas Eve, Sunday 24th, in the morning there will be the Masses at the normal times of 9.30 and 11 am but Masses without a choir and without a special liturgy for the children.

The procession through the Village will leave from outside the Church at 4.30pm.

There will be no 7.30 Mass but there will be a Mass at 6.30pm – the first Mass of Christmas.

The Church will be open from 11pm and there will be a service of Carols and readings from 11.30 followed by the solemn Mass at 12 midnight.

On Christmas Day there will be Mass at 9.30 with the second part of the mystery plays and the solemn Mass at 11am.

Thanks to the choir and to all who came to share in the carol service last Sunday.

You might like a reminder of the recipe that I use for the hot mulled wine. A mixture of red wine and fizzy lemonade in equal portions. Add some cinnamon and some cloves and a good dose of sugar and complete with some wedges of orange and apple. Heat gently and correct with a little more sugar if necessary.  (This was the familiar recipe produced in great quantities at our College in Spain during the festive season.)

The railways works at Christmas include the completion of London Bridge station but also most importantly the re-connection of the tracks beyond New Cross station so that the fourth track on the dive-under at Rotherhithe can be brought in to use.  Also there will be a full commissioning of the Thameslink tracks.

A prayer for Advent:

Ever faithful God, the prophets foretold the coming of the light and in your name promised that the eyes of the blind would be opened. We confidently await the coming of your Son and the day when he will gather all people to live in your light. Amen.

A request for accommodation for a 30 year old Italian woman who is coming to study at the University of Greenwich from January to July next year. Please let me know if anybody might be able to help.

I like the words of Eliot as he thinks about “the cultivation of Christmas Trees”.

So that before the end, the eightieth Christmas

By eightieth meaning whichever is the last

The accumulated memories of annual emotion

May be concentrated into a greater joy.

The magazine will be published next week end – as usual it will include an impossible quiz. I have had great fun putting it together and as always, the main task is to defeat by sister in law who seems to know all the answers. Her daughters – and their children – have other things to think about.

So – another year almost completed – many good things to remember – the First Communions, the Confirmations, the Visitation by the Bishop and the enjoyment of the summer in the garden. I hope that you have all  had a happy and blessed year and look forward to many good things in the year to come.

Best wishes to you all,

Monsignor Nicholas Rothon




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