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Newsletter 12th Sunday 2017
Today is Remembrance Sunday. The 11am Mass will be a Requiem for the dead of the World Wars.
A word of thanks to all who helped to make the Visitation by Bishop Lynch last week so successful. Although we see him frequently, he enjoyed the formal visit.
The newsletter is written well in advance but I understand that there will be a lunch in the hall today after the morning Masses to support a special project.
The Children had their First Communion class this weekend. Thanks to the parents who helped to organise this.
Off on my travels again this week – I go to Douai Abbey on Thursday morning to chair a meeting of the Historic Churches Committee.  I have to start very early so this means that there will not be a 7.30 Mass in the Church on Thursday.
Also this week an AGM for a Trust of which I am the Chief Administrator on Wednesday with a Finance meeting at the Sixth Form College in the evening.
The meeting of the Liturgy Committee was postponed and this will now take place on Monday evening at 8pm.
Works on the Angelus Room continue: I have put some pressure on the Architect to ensure that progress is made as we would like to have it back in use as soon as possible.
Some railway information – there are four tracks using the dive-under at Rotherhithe – from left to right as you face London – the down Brighton slow line – the up and the down Charing Cross line and a further line known as the Rotherhithe relief line – this is not in use yet and has its own ramp down beside the Power station. This provides an extra loop between New Cross and a junction with the Thameslink lines a bit nearer to London.
Here is a Spanish stew. Rinse some green lentils and soak for a couple of hours. Make the stew with some crushed garlic, a diced green pepper, two small onions, some sweet paprika, some thin slices of bacon, slices of chorizo and a chopped tomato. Cook these in some olive oil for a few minutes and then add the lentils and cover with water. Cook very slowly until everything is tender. Season as necessary and maybe add a little more oil. You might be served this in a Castilian village on a wintry day.
Some Shelley today:
My names is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye mighty and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
And now a prayer,
Lord, pour out on us the spirit of understanding, truth and peace. Help us to strive with all our hearts to know what is pleasing to you, and when we know your will, make us determined to do it. Amen.
Not too far away now and we are beginning to think of Christmas: you may want to put some dates in your diaries. The Carol Service will be on 10th December. The Mystery plays will be on 17th December, Christmas Day and January 7th.
Christmas Eve is on a Saturday this year, so there will be a Mass at 6.30 rather than 7.30pm. This will be the first Mass of Christmas. On Christmas day there will be Masses at the normal times of 9.30 and 11am.
The boy and his sister enjoyed their half term. Their mother is working very hard so there was not much time for travels but days with grandparents are greatly, discussing cars a great length and eating enormous meals. I look forward to seeing them at Christmas.
Best wishes to you all,
Monsignor Nicholas Rothon.    Â