Newsletter 12th May 2013
Newsletters have to be prepared well in advance. By the time that you read this, I hope that I will have returned once again from a visit to the College in Spain. A week of work – catching up with the administration, visits to the Banks and meetings with the Trustees who will came for their annual inspection. Back by way of Madrid and London City these days as the direct flights from Stansted came to an end in March.
Today is the Feast of the Ascension. After the reading of the gospel, we extinguish the Paschal Candle, a sign that the Risen Lord has returned to his Father in heaven. During the days to come we pray for the coming of the Holy Spirit as we prepare to celebrate the feast of Pentecost next Sunday.
There is a second collection today to support the work of the Catholic Press Office.
Next Sunday there will be a Coffee morning after Mass with a chance to sign cards for CAFOD.
A splendid day today for the First Holy Communions. Congratulations to the Children who will be receiving the Sacrament today for the first time. They have worked so hard in their classes and we are very proud of them: also they seem to have enjoyed it all very much. Thank you to all the parents who have helped in so many ways. This is the first of the two celebrations – there are so many children this year that there will be a second celebration on 26th May. I hope I remember to put out the correct cake with the right names or otherwise there will be trouble.
I think that the weather is beginning to improve at last – so who knows – it might be time to think about putting up the pool once again. I have washed all the towels and the swim suites and there is a good supply of chemicals in the garage. The only trouble is that the grass did not quite recover from last year. Thanks to the children who have sent in their ideas for items for the garden. There were some really good suggestions and we will not be looking to see what might be possible. The only problem will be that with so many things, you will not want to go home.
So far, not too busy this week. A meeting at the Children’s Society on Wednesday and then on to the Town Hall at Lewisham in the evening. Maybe time to catch up on quite a few things.
After the Confirmation, I was pleased to be able to entertain Bishop Lynch to lunch. There some things left over afterwards and I was able to use them to make a special sandwich. (If you take it to school in your packed lunch, you might be able to trade it for a choc bar.) Prepare the bread with a bed of lettuce. Add a thin layer of hollandaise sauce. Then some peel prawns and a good sprinkling of chopped chives.
After a late start, the garden is doing very well. I am pleased with my herb garden and will be trying to put in some more mint and some basil. After a said winter, the olive tree is looking happier though it will be some years before it produces much fruit. In think that the raspberry canes have survived the winter and there is plenty of blossom on the apple trees. The sweet chestnut is always the last tree to bloom but the buds have now come, so summer must be on the way.
The new railway line at St. John’s is in use. The connection was brought into use over the Easer holiday but tidying up work has continued since then. As yet, I have not seen a train stopped on the incline up from the main line. I imagine that there could be some problem in re-starting in wet weather and I will be watching this with interest.
Of late, a great interest in the life and writings of Sylvia Plath. Here is something from one of her poems: Crossing the Water.
Black lake, black boat, two black, cut-paper people.
Where do the black trees go that drink here?
Their shadows must cover Canada.
A little light is filtering from the water flowers.
Their leaves do not wish us to hurry:
They are round and flat and full of dark advice.
(As a summer task, you might think of reading a biography and then her only novel: The Bell Jar).
And time for a final prayer:
O Lord, we beseech thee mercifully to hear us; grant that we, to whom thou has given an hearty desire to pray, may by thy mighty aid be defended and comforted in all dangers and adversities; through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Best wishes to you all
Monsignor Nicholas Rothon